
from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection

Sorry, this Javascript puzzle doesn't seem to work in your web browser. Perhaps you have Javascript disabled, or perhaps your browser doesn't provide a feature that the puzzle code requires (such as typed arrays). These puzzles have been successfully run in Firefox 19, Chrome 26, Internet Explorer 10 and Safari 6.

Connect all the squares together into a sequence, so that every square's arrow points towards the square that follows it (though the next square can be any distance away in that direction).

Left-drag from a square to the square that should follow it, or right-drag from a square to the square that should precede it.

Left-drag a square off the grid to break all links to it. Right-drag a square off the grid to break all links to it and everything else in its connected chain.

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(thanks to chiark for hosting this page)
(last modified on Wed Jun 5 01:47:27 2013)