
from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection

Sorry, this Javascript puzzle doesn't seem to work in your web browser. Perhaps you have Javascript disabled, or perhaps your browser doesn't provide a feature that the puzzle code requires (such as typed arrays). These puzzles have been successfully run in Firefox 19, Chrome 26, Internet Explorer 10 and Safari 6.

Fill in a number in every square so that every number appears exactly once in each row, each column and each block marked by thick lines.

To place a number, click in a square to select it, then type the number on the keyboard. To erase a number, click to select a square and then press Backspace.

Right-click in a square and then type a number to add or remove the number as a pencil mark, indicating numbers that you think might go in that square.

When you master the basic game, try Jigsaw mode (irregularly shaped blocks), X mode (the two main diagonals of the grid must also contain every number once), Killer mode (instead of single-cell clues you are given regions of the grid each of which must add up to a given total, again without reusing any digits), or all of those at once!

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(thanks to chiark for hosting this page)
(last modified on Wed Jun 5 01:47:27 2013)