/* REXX */ /* CLS2REXXed by FSOX001 on 31 Aug 2017 at 15:42:07 */ Signal On NoValue Call On Error Signal On Failure Signal On Syntax Parse source opsys . exec_name . Address ISREDIT "MACRO" /* SRRMPDI VIEW PDI(*) */ /*********************************************************************/ /* 04/22/2005 CL.Fenton Created for dialog - for product */ /* information. */ /* 06/28/2007 CL.Fenton Changes made for remove req for specific */ /* products. */ /* 08/07/2007 CL.Fenton Added IAVM analysis. */ /* 11/30/2007 CL.Fenton Changed DBMS text from NOT performed by */ /* ACP to performed internally by DBMS and not by */ /* ACP. */ /* 04/08/2008 CL.Fenton Added title for IAVM panel. Added D and S */ /* REC_TYPEs for datasets and subsystem names. */ /* 02/28/2009 CL.Fenton Added Vulnerabily Question process. */ /* 06/02/2009 CL.Fenton Chgd TITLE entries and added ACP00110. */ /* Added additional RECORD_TYPEs. */ /* 09/16/2009 CL.Fenton Correct adding MQS ssid after previous */ /* version. Also corrected the deletion of MQS ssid */ /* not deleting other record entries. */ /* 10/09/2009 CL.Fenton Chgs made to set bounds in member. */ /* 02/26/2010 CL.Fenton Added FDR and NETVIEW tests. */ /* 07/19/2010 CL.Fenton Added ICSF tests. */ /* 10/08/2010 CL.Fenton Moved and chgd records entering to tables. */ /* 06/17/2011 CL.Fenton Added config request for CA1. */ /* 06/27/2011 CL.Fenton Added SSID chgs for CA VTAPE. Added BMC */ /* MAINVIEW. */ /* 06/27/2011 CL.Fenton Colleciton of additional info for SDSF. */ /* 12/13/2011 CL.Fenton Chgs for new products CA1, NC-Pass, SDSF, */ /* and CA Common Services, CSD-AR003079950. */ /* 02/17/2012 CL.Fenton Chgs CA1 configration from TMOOPTxx to */ /* TMOSYSxx, CSD-AR003275531. Also removal of */ /* TMOOPTxx entry from PRODUCTS member. */ /* 06/14/2012 CL.Fenton Increased size of configuration dataset */ /* prompt. */ /* 06/04/2013 CL.Fenton Added loadlib data set location to */ /* RECTYPES to correct issue with CATSOL resources, */ /* STS-002427. */ /* 03/14/2014 CL.Fenton Added configuration keyword/value */ /* RECORD_TYPE to collect information for Netview, */ /* STS-005268 and STS-00 5281. */ /* 03/09/2015 CL.Fenton Chgd GET_RECORD process to delete records */ /* that do not match RECORD_TYPE "1" for CICS, IDMS, */ /* and ROSCOE for RECORD_TYPE of "2", "3", and "5", */ /* STS-009650. */ /* 05/04/2015 CL.Fenton Removed DBMS and IDMS from automation, */ /* STS-007219 and STS-007637. */ /* 10/26/2015 CL.Fenton Removed IAVM process from script, */ /* STS-012220. */ /* 05/02/2016 CL.Fenton Added vulnerabily question for ACP00270 */ /* to identify STCs/Userids/Datasets of authorized to */ /* have CSVDYLPA.ADD and CSVDYLPA.DELETE resources, */ /* STS-014370. */ /* 10/26/2016 CL.Fenton, Added requirements CA1 Started Tasks */ /* datasets, STS-015909. */ /* 08/28/2017 CL.FENTON Converted script from CLIST to REXX. */ /* 10/24/2018 CL.Fenton, Changed process on MQS product by stripping */ /* trailing spaces from ssid, STS-020887. */ /* 02/28/2019 CL.Fenton, Added additional field for CICS regions to */ /* identify if STC is Production or Test/Developement, */ /* STS-021044. */ /* 02/24/2023 CL.Fenton, Changes made for issue with VULQUES */ /* processing. */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ pgmname = "SRRMPROD 02/24/23" pgm8 = substr(pgmname,1,8) srrpprod = "SRRPPROD" jobinst = "CACJ051D" srrcntl = "CNTL" return_code = 0 maxcc = 0 "(MBR) = MEMBER" maxcc = 0 Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL NONDISPL ENTER" Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS RETURN" return_code = 0 /*******************************************/ /* VARIABLES ARE PASSED TO THIS MACRO */ /* CONSLIST */ /* COMLIST */ /* SYMLIST */ /* TERMMSGS */ /*******************************************/ Address ISPEXEC "VGET (CONSLIST COMLIST SYMLIST TERMMSGS) ASIS" cm24vget = return_code If return_code <> 0 then do Say pgmname "VGET RC =" return_code zerrsm Say pgmname "CONSLIST/"conslist "COMLIST/"comlist, "SYMLIST/"symlist "TERMMSGS/"termmsgs end return_code = 0 /*******************************************/ /* TURN ON MESSAGES */ /*******************************************/ If CONSLIST = "ON" | COMLIST = "ON" | SYMLIST = "ON" then, Trace r syssymlist = symlist /* CONTROL SYMLIST/NOSYMLIST */ sysconlist = conslist /* CONTROL CONLIST/NOCONLIST */ syslist = comlist /* CONTROL LIST/NOLIST */ sysmsg = termmsgs /* CONTROL MSG/NOMSG */ sysprompt = "OFF" /* CONTROL NOPROMPT */ sysflush = "OFF" /* CONTROL NOFLUSH */ sysasis = "ON" /* CONTROL ASIS - caps off */ Select When mbr = "PRODUCTS" then, cactprod = "CACTPROD" When mbr = "VULQUES" then, cactprod = "CACTQUES" end return_code = 0 /*******************************************/ /* VARIABLES ARE PASSED TO THIS MACRO */ /* ACPNAME */ /*******************************************/ "(DW) = DATA_WIDTH" "BOUNDS = 1" dw "NUMBER OFF" "STATS ON" "CAPS OFF" return_code = 0 return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "VGET (SRRINST SRRUSER) PROFILE" /*******************************************/ /* VERFIY HLQ FOR CNTL AND CLIST LIBRARIES */ /*******************************************/ cntldsn = srrinst"."srrcntl return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMINIT DATAID(CNTLID) DATASET('"cntldsn"')" lminit_cntlid_rc = return_code If return_code <> 0 then do Say pgmname "LMINIT_CNTLID_RC" return_code zerrsm Say pgmname "DSN="cntldsn "Data Set Error" SIGNAL ERR_EXIT end Address ISPEXEC "LMOPEN DATAID("cntlid") OPTION(INPUT)" lmopen_cntlid_rc = return_code If return_code <> 0 then do Say pgmname "LMOPEN_CNTLID_RC" return_code zerrsm Say pgmname "DSN="cntldsn "Data Set Error" SIGNAL ERR_EXIT end return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMMFIND DATAID("cntlid") MEMBER("cactprod")" lmmfind_cntl_rc = return_code If return_code <> 0 then do Say pgmname "LMMFIND_CNTL_RC =" return_code "MEMBER =", cactprod zerrsm SIGNAL ERR_EXIT end return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBCREATE GRPTABLE REPLACE NOWRITE KEYS(PRODNAME)", "NAMES(DESC DESC2 DESC3 INST RECTYPES MBRS)" If return_code > 4 then do Say pgmname "TBCREATE RC =" return_code zerrsm SIGNAL ERR_EXIT end return_code = 0 /*******************************************/ /* MAIN PROCESS */ /*******************************************/ GET_NEXT_TBL: do until return_code > 0 return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMGET DATAID("cntlid") MODE(INVAR)", "DATALOC(TRECORD) MAXLEN(80) DATALEN(LRECL)" lmget_cntl_rc = return_code If return_code = 8 then do lmget_cntl_rc = 0 /* SET RETURN CODE TO 0 */ leave end If return_code <> 0 then do Say pgmname "LMGET CNTL RC =" return_code zerrsm SIGNAL ERR_EXIT end If left(trecord,1) = "*" then, iterate prodname = "" inst = "" rectyp = "" Select When mbr = "PRODUCTS" then do prodname = substr(trecord,1,8) recnum = substr(trecord,9,1) inst = substr(trecord,10,1) If recnum = 1 then do desc = substr(trecord,12) desc = strip(desc,"T") rectypes = "" end Else do rectypes = substr(trecord,12) rectypes = strip(rectypes,"T") end end When mbr = "VULQUES" then do prodname = substr(trecord,1,8) rectyp = substr(trecord,10,1) If rectyp = "1" then do desc = substr(trecord,12,60) desc = strip(desc,"T") rectypes = substr(trecord,72) rectypes = strip(rectypes,"T") desc2 = "" desc3 = "" end If rectyp = "2" then do desc2 = substr(trecord,12) desc2 = strip(desc2,"T") end If rectyp = "3" then do desc3 = substr(trecord,12) desc3 = strip(desc3,"T") end end Otherwise nop end return_code = 0 "EXCLUDE ALL '"prodname"' 1" Call product_status Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD GRPTABLE ORDER" return_code = 0 end END_NEXT_TBL: "DELETE ALL NX" "RESET" Select When mbr = "PRODUCTS" | mbr = "VULQUES" then, Address ISPEXEC "TBSORT GRPTABLE FIELDS(PRODNAME)" Otherwise nop end return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMCLOSE DATAID("cntlid")" lmclose_cntlid_rc = return_code return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMFREE DATAID("cntlid")" lmfree_cntlid_rc = return_code return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP GRPTABLE" curnr = 1 TBDISPL: zcmd = "" rtyp = "X" prodname = "xxxxxxxx" do until return_code > 0 return_code = 0 Select When mbr = "PRODUCTS" then, Address ISPEXEC "TBDISPL GRPTABLE PANEL("srrpprod")", "POSITION(ROW) AUTOSEL(NO)" When mbr = "VULQUES" then do title = "Vulnerability Questions" x = " " title = center(title,76) lc1 = " Line command: Y - Yes" lc2 = " N - No" lc3 = " Y/N column: Y=Yes, N=No, Y?=Yes Missing information." header = " STIG Id Y/N Vulnerability Question" dline1 = "_Z@Z @Z @Z" dline2 = " @Z" dline3 = " @Z" vars = "S PRODNAME INST DESC DESC2 DESC3" Address ISPEXEC "TBDISPL GRPTABLE PANEL(SRRP0000)", "POSITION(ROW) AUTOSEL(NO)" end Otherwise nop end If return_code = 8 | zcmd = "CANCEL" then, leave If return_code > 4 then do Say pgmname "TBLDISPL RC =" return_code zerrsm SIGNAL ERR_EXIT end curnr = ztdtop Do while ztdsels > 0 return_code = 0 old_s = s If s = "S" & mbr = "PRODUCTS" then do s = "Y" old_s = s If rectypes <> " " then do Call process_product end end If s = "Y" & mbr = "VULQUES" then do If rectypes <> " " then, Call process_vulques end s = old_s If s = "N" then do If substr(inst,1,1) = "Y" then do "EXCLUDE ALL '"prodname"' 1" "FIND FIRST '"prodname 0"' 1" "DELETE ALL X" end end If s <> " " then do inst = s s = " " end return_code = 0 "SEEK FIRST '"prodname 0"' 1" data = prodname "0" substr(inst,1,1) If return_code > 0 then, "LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = (DATA)" Else, "LINE .ZCSR = (DATA)" Call product_status return_code = 0 If ztdsels = 1 then Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY LOCK" Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD GRPTABLE ORDER" Address ISPEXEC "TBDISPL GRPTABLE" end Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP GRPTABLE ROW("curnr") NOREAD" Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY REFRESH" end /*******************************************/ /* END PROCESSES */ /*******************************************/ END_EDIT: Address ISPEXEC "TBEND GRPTABLE" return_code = 0 If zcmd = "CANCEL" then, "AUTOSAVE OFF NOPROMPT" Else do "AUTOSAVE ON" "SORT" end ERR_EXIT: If maxcc >= 16 | return_code > 0 then do Address ISPEXEC "VGET (ZISPFRC) SHARED" If maxcc > zispfrc then, zispfrc = maxcc Else, zispfrc = return_code Address ISPEXEC "VPUT (ZISPFRC) SHARED" end Address ISPEXEC "VPUT (CM24VGET) ASIS" "END" Exit (0) PROCESS_PRODUCT: Address ISPEXEC "TBCREATE ADDTABLE REPLACE NOWRITE KEYS(MEMBER", "USERID) NAMES(MBRDSN PROGRAM PGMDSN RESOURCE MUSASS MLID", "GRPRES)" If return_code > 4 then do Say pgmname "TBCREATE RC =" return_code zerrsm SIGNAL ERR_EXIT end Address ISPEXEC "TBSORT ADDTABLE FIELDS(MEMBER,C,A,USERID,C,A)" Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY SAVE" title = desc title = strip(title,"B") title = center(title,76) Do recx = 1 to length(rectypes) record_type = substr(rectypes,recx,1) Call get_record Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" Call display_table If zcmd <> "CANCEL" then, Call put_record Else do If inst = "N" then do "EXCLUDE ALL '"prodname"' 1" "FIND FIRST '"prodname 0"' 1" "DELETE ALL X" end recx = length(rectypes) old_s = "" end end PROCESS_BYPASS: zcmd = "" Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY RESTORE" Address ISPEXEC "TBEND ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 Return PROCESS_VULQUES: Address ISPEXEC "TBCREATE ADDTABLE REPLACE NOWRITE KEYS(MEMBER", "USERID) NAMES(MBRDSN PROGRAM PGMDSN RESOURCE MUSASS MLID", "GRPRES)" If return_code > 4 then do Say pgmname "TBCREATE RC =" return_code zerrsm SIGNAL ERR_EXIT end Address ISPEXEC "TBSORT ADDTABLE FIELDS(MEMBER,C,A)" Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY SAVE" Do recx = 1 to length(rectypes) record_type = substr(rectypes,recx,1) Call get_record Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" Call display_vulques If zcmd <> "CANCEL" then Call put_record Else, recx = length(rectypes) end PROCESS_VUL_BYPASS: zcmd = "" Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY RESTORE" Address ISPEXEC "TBEND ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 Return GET_RECORD: Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" if pos(record_type,"DEFG") > 0 then do until return_code > 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" end return_code = 0 get_rc = 0 member = " " program = " " userid = " " mbrdsn = "" pgmdsn = "" resource = "" musass = "" mlid = "" grpres = "" rtyp = record_type If record_type = 6 then, member = prodname If pos(record_type,"16DEFGS") > 0 then, Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" Address ISPEXEC "TBSTATS ADDTABLE ROWCURR(ROWCURR)" Select When prodname = "BMCMVZ" then do If record_type = 5 then do member = "BBMTSSxx" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end If record_type = 3 then do member = "MAINVIEW" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end end When prodname = "CA1" then do If record_type = 2 then do member = "TMSTMVT" program = "TMSTMVT" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" member = "TMSSECAB" program = "TMSSECAB" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end If record_type = 5 then do member = "TMOSYSxx" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end end When prodname = "FDR" then do If record_type = 2 then do member = "FDROPT" program = "FDROPT" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end end When prodname = "ICSF" then do If record_type = 1 then do If rowcurr > 1 then do member = "" userid = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end end If record_type = 5 then do member = "CSFPRMxx" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end end When prodname = "BMCCTD" | prodname = "BMCCTM" | prodname = "BMCCTO" |, prodname = "BMCCTR" | prodname = "BMCIOA" then do If record_type = 3 then do member = "IOA" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end If record_type = 5 then do member = "SECPARM" program = "SECPARM" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" If prodname = "BMCCTO" then do member = "CTOPARM" program = "CTOPARM" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end end end When prodname = "NETVIEW" then do If record_type = 1 then do Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" If rowcurr = 1 then do member = "CNMPSSI" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" member = "CNMPROC" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end end If record_type = 7 then do member = "DOMAIN" program = "DOMAIN" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" member = "NetID" program = "NetID" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end If record_type = 5 then do member = "CNMSTYLE" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end end When prodname = "CLSUPER" | prodname = "ICSF" | prodname = "MQS" |, prodname = "NCPASS" | prodname = "VTAM" then do If get_rc > 0 & pos(record_type,"DEFG") = 0 then, Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" If record_type = 1 & rowcurr > 1 then do member = "" userid = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end end Otherwise nop end get_rc = 4 "CURSOR = 1 0" GET_DATA: do until return_code > 0 return_code = 0 "SEEK '"prodname record_type"' 1" If return_code > 0 then leave get_rc = 0 "(DATA) = LINE .ZCSR" Select When record_type = 1 then do userid = "" Select When prodname = "AAMV0012" then do parse var data . 12 member 35 mbrdsn 71 . end When prodname = "NETVIEW" then do parse var data . 12 member 21 program 30 mbrdsn 72 userid 80 . end Otherwise do parse var data . 12 member 21 mbrdsn 72 userid 80 resource end end end When pos(record_type,"257") > 0 then do parse var data . 12 member 21 program 30 pgmdsn 71 . If member = "TMOOPTxx" then leave If prodname = "FDR" then, member = program end When record_type = 3 then do parse var data . 12 member 21 resource 30 grpres 39 musass, 48 mlid 56 . end When record_type = 4 then do parse var data . 12 aa 14 cm 16 as 18 rv 20 ti 26 gp 35 ma, 37 at 39 mo 41 st 43 ps 44 . leave end When record_type = 6 then do parse var data . 12 member 21 mbrdsn 71 . program = "" end When pos(record_type,"DEFG") > 0 then do parse var data . 12 member 71 . mbrdsn = "" program = "" end When record_type = "S" then do parse var data . 12 member 16 . mbrdsn = "" end Otherwise nop end return_code = 0 If member <> " " then do Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD ADDTABLE ORDER" If (prodname = "CICS" | prodname = "ROSCOE") &, pos(record_type,"235") > 0 &, return_code = 8 then do Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end If prodname = "MQS" & record_type = 1 & return_code > 0 then do return_code = 0 ouserid = userid userid = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" If return_code > 0 then do userid = ouserid Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end end end return_code = 0 end GET_DONE: return_code = 0 omember = 999999999 Address ISPEXEC "TBSORT ADDTABLE", "FIELDS(MEMBER,C,A,PROGRAM,C,D,USERID,C,D)" Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" Do until return_code > 0 If member <> omember then, omember = member Else, Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" end Address ISPEXEC "TBSORT ADDTABLE FIELDS(MEMBER,C,A,USERID,C,A)" Address ISPEXEC "TBSTATS ADDTABLE ROWCURR(ROWCURR)", "ROWCREAT(ROWCREAT) ROWUPD(ROWUPD)" If record_type = 6 & rowcurr > 1 then do member = "" userid = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end Return DISPLAY_TABLE: s = "" srrpnl = "SRRP0000" dline1 = "OMIT" dline2 = "OMIT" dline3 = "OMIT" lc1 = "" lc2 = "" lc3 = "" lc4 = "" Select When record_type = 1 then do Select /* Add to the following WHEN statement for products that have */ /* only one STC/Batch job identified for the product. */ When prodname = "CLSUPER" | prodname = "NCPASS" |, prodname = "VTAM" then do If rowcurr > 1 then do member = "" userid = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end header = "UserId Member Data set that contains the", "member JCL" dline1 = "_Z _Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(USERID MEMBER MBRDSN)" lc2 = " Enter the Userid of the STC or batch job for", "this product." lc3 = " Enter the member and data set that contains the", "JCL for this product." end When prodname = "MQS" then do header = "UserId Member Data set that contains the", "member JCL" dline1 = "_Z _Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(USERID MEMBER MBRDSN)" lc2 = " Enter the Userid of the STC or batch job for", "this product." lc3 = " Specify the data sets that contain the JCL for", "the MSTR and CHIN procedures." end When prodname = "NETVIEW" then do header = "Product UserId Member Data set that", "contains the member JCL" dline1 = "@Z _Z _Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(MEMBER USERID PROGRAM MBRDSN)" lc2 = " Enter the Userid of the STCs or batch jobs for", "this product." lc3 = " Enter the member and data set for the", "sub-products that are installed." end When prodname = "CICS" then do header = " UserId P/T Member Data set that contains the", "member JCL" dline1 = "_Z_Z _Z+_Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(S USERID RESOURCE MEMBER MBRDSN)" lc1 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" lc2 = " Enter the Userid of the STCs or batch jobs for", "this product." lc3 = " Enter the members and data sets that contain the", "JCL for this product." lc4 = " P/T values - P or space = Production T =", "Test/Development" srrpnl = "SRRP0002" end /* Use the OTHERWISE statement for products that can have */ /* multiple STCs/Batch jobs identified for the product. */ Otherwise do header = " UserId Member Data set that contains the", "member JCL" dline1 = "_Z_Z _Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(S USERID MEMBER MBRDSN)" lc1 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" lc2 = " Enter the Userid of the STCs or batch jobs for", "this product." lc3 = " Enter the members and data sets that contain the", "JCL for this product." end end end When record_type = 2 then do header = "Member Program Data set that contains the program" dline1 = "@Z _Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(MEMBER PROGRAM PGMDSN)" If prodname = "CICS" then, lc2 = " Enter the DFHSIT program and data set for each", "CICS region." If prodname = "CA1" | prodname = "FDR" then do header = "Program Program Data set location" dline1 = "@Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(PROGRAM PGMDSN)" lc2 = " Enter the data set that contains the listed", "programs." end end When record_type = 3 then do Address ISPEXEC "VGET (ACPNAME) ASIS" If prodname = "ROSCOE" | prodname = "BMCMVZ" then do vars = "(MEMBER RESOURCE)" If acpname = "ACF2" then do header = "Member Resource Type" dline1 = "@Z + _Z + " dline1 = dline1" +" lc2 = " Enter the Resource Type for the product." end Else do header = "Member Resource Class" dline1 = "@Z _Z +" lc2 = " Enter the Resource Class for the product." end end Else, Select When acpname = "ACF2" then do header = "Member Resource Type MUSASS MLID" dline1 = "@Z + _Z + _Z _Z" dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(MEMBER RESOURCE MUSASS MLID)" lc2 = " Enter the Resource Type and the MUSASS and", "MLID pair for each region." end When acpname = "RACF" then do header = "Member Resource Classes (include Group", "Resource class" dline1 = "@Z _Z _Z +" vars = "(MEMBER RESOURCE GRPRES)" lc1 = " Enter the Resource Class and the Resource", "Class Group." lc2 = " example: (TCICSTRN and GCICSTRN)" end When acpname = "TSS" then do header = "Member Resource Classes" dline1 = "@Z _Z +" vars = "(MEMBER RESOURCE)" lc2 = " Enter the Resource Class." end Otherwise nop end end When record_type = 5 then do Select When prodname = "BMCCTD" | prodname = "BMCCTM" |, prodname = "BMCCTO" | prodname = "BMCCTR" |, prodname = "BMCIOA" then do header = "Member Data set that contains the", "configuration member" dline1 = "@Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(PROGRAM PGMDSN)" end When prodname = "NETVIEW" then do header = "Member Data set that contains the", "configuration member" dline1 = "_Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(PROGRAM PGMDSN)" lc1 = " Enter the information for CNMSTYLE." lc1 = " Enter data set name that contains CxxSTYLE", "member for the Product" lc2 = " configuration." end When prodname = "CA1" | prodname = "ICSF" |, prodname = "BMCMVZ" then do header = "Prefix Member Data set that contains the", "configuration member" dline1 = "@Z _Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(MEMBER PROGRAM PGMDSN)" lc1 = " Enter member and data set name that contains the", "product configuration." end Otherwise do header = "STC/JOB Member Data set that contains the", "configuration member" dline1 = "@Z _Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(MEMBER PROGRAM PGMDSN)" lc1 = " Enter member and data set name that contains the", "product configuration." end end end When record_type = 6 then do header = "Loadlib data set name" dline1 = "_Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(MBRDSN)" lc2 = " Enter the loadlib data set for the product." end When record_type = 7 then do header = "Keyword Value" dline1 = "@Z _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(PROGRAM PGMDSN)" lc1 = " Enter the Value for each Keyword." end When record_type = "D" then do header = " Data set names and/or Data set prefixes " header = header" Volume" dline1 = "_Z_Z " dline1 = dline1" +@Z +" helpvar = "SRRHD000" vars = "(S MEMBER PROGRAM)" lc1 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" lc2 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix of", "the product installation" lc3 = " data sets." end When record_type = "E" then do header = " Data set names and/or Data set prefixes " header = header" Volume" dline1 = "_Z_Z " dline1 = dline1" +@Z +" helpvar = "SRRHD000" vars = "(S MEMBER PROGRAM)" lc1 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" Select When prodname = "CA1" then do lc2 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix", "of the TMC" "AUDIT, and" lc3 = " optional RDS and VPD data sets." end When prodname = "ICSF" then do lc2 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix", "of product STC" lc3 = " data sets. They are identified in the CSFPRMxx", "member." end When prodname = "SDSF" then do lc2 = " Enter the data set identified by the INDEX", "control statement in the" lc3 = " ISFPRMxx member of the SDSFPARM DD statement of", "the STC proclib member." end Otherwise do lc2 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix", "of the product STC" lc3 = " data sets." end end end When record_type = "F" then do header = " Data set names and/or Data set prefixes" header = header" Volume" dline1 = "_Z_Z " dline1 = dline1" +@Z +" helpvar = "SRRHD000" vars = "(S MEMBER PROGRAM)" lc1 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" If prodname = "CA1" then do lc2 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix", "of the product STC" lc3 = " data sets." end Else do lc2 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix", "of the product user" lc3 = " data sets." end end When record_type = "G" then do header = " Data set names and/or Data set prefixes" header = header" Volume" dline1 = "_Z_Z " dline1 = dline1" +@Z +" helpvar = "SRRHD000" vars = "(S MEMBER PROGRAM)" lc1 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" If prodname = "BMCCTM" then do lc2 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix of", "the user/application" lc3 = " JCL data sets." end Else do lc2 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix of", "all of the product" lc3 = " data sets." end end When record_type = "S" then do header = " SSID" dline1 = "_Z_Z +" vars = "(S MEMBER)" lc1 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" lc2 = " Enter the SubSystem Identifier for all occurrences", "of this product." end Otherwise nop end Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" DISPLAY_TABLEA: return_code = 0 If prodname = "CLSUPER" & record_type = 4 then, do until return_code > 0 Address ISPEXEC "DISPLAY PANEL(SRRP0004)" display_rc = return_code Address ISPEXEC "VGET (ZVERB)" If zverb <> " " then, zcmd = zverb If zcmd = " " | zcmd = "CANCEL" then, leave end Else, Call display_srrp0000 DISPLAY_END: return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" If zcmd <> "CANCEL" then, Do until return_code > 0 If member = " " then, Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" end Return (display_rc) DISPLAY_SRRP0000: row = 0 Do until return_code > 0 return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBDISPL ADDTABLE PANEL("srrpnl") POSITION(POS)", "AUTOSEL(NO) ROWID(ROW)" display_rc = return_code Address ISPEXEC "VGET (ZVERB ZSCROLLN) ASIS" If row > 0 then, row = row - 1 If display_rc > 8 then, leave delete = 1 Do while ztdsels > 0 return_code = 0 If s = "D" then, If member <> " " then do Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" delete = delete + 1 end Else, nop Else do return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD ADDTABLE ORDER" If prodname <> "AAMV0012" & userid <> " " &, record_type = 1 & return_code > 0 then do userid = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end If record_type > 1 & return_code = 8 then do return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" If record_type = 6 then do member = "" userid = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 end If pos(record_type,"DEFG") > 0 then do if right(member,1) <> "." then do Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 lmdrc = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMDINIT LISTID(TEMP1) LEVEL("member")" Do until lmdrc > 0 return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMDLIST LISTID("temp1") OPTION(LIST)", "DATASET(DSN) STATS(YES)" lmdrc = return_code If return_code > 0 then iterate If pos(".ASSIST ",dsn" ") > 0 |, pos(".ZIP ",dsn" ") > 0 then, dsn = "" If dsn > " " & zdlvol = "??????" then, dsn = "" If dsn > " " & zdlvol = "*ALIAS" then, Call alias_str If dsn > " " then do member = dsn program = zdlvol Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD ADDTABLE ORDER" end dsn = "" end Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD ADDTABLE ORDER" Address ISPEXEC "LMDFREE LISTID("temp1")" end end end /*ZTDSELS_END:*/ If ztdsels = 1 then, Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY LOCK" return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBDISPL ADDTABLE" If return_code > 4 then, ztdsels = 0 end If pos(record_type,"DEFG") = 0 then, If prodname = "CLSUPER" | prodname = "NCPASS" |, prodname = "NETVIEW" | prodname = "VTAM" then Return If zcmd <> " " | display_rc = 8 then Return return_code = 0 Select When zverb = "UP" then, Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE NUMBER("-zscrolln")" When zverb = "DOWN" then, Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE NUMBER("zscrolln")" Otherwise do If return_code = 8 & row > 0 then, row = row - delete return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE ROW("row")" end end return_code = 0 end row = 0 Return DISPLAY_VULQUES: title = prodname s = "" dline1 = "OMIT" dline2 = "OMIT" dline3 = "OMIT" lc1 = "" lc2 = "" lc3 = "" lc4 = "" lc5 = "" Select When prodname = "AAMV0012" then do header = " Product Name Version" dline1 = "_Z_Z _Z +" vars = "(S MEMBER MBRDSN)" lc1 = " Question:" desc lc2 = " "desc2 lc3 = " "desc3 lc4 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" lc5 = " Enter the Product and Version of unsupported software." end When prodname = "ACP00110" then do header = " Data set names" dline1 = "_Z_Z " dline1 = dline1" +" helpvar = "SRRHD000" vars = "(S MEMBER)" lc1 = " Question:" desc lc2 = " "desc2 lc3 = " "desc3 lc4 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" lc5 = " Enter the data set names of application and/or user", "LINKLIST loadlibs." end When prodname = "ACP00270" then do header = " UserId Member Resource Data set that", "contains the member JCL" dline1 = "_Z_Z _Z _Z+ _Z " dline1 = dline1" +" vars = "(S USERID MEMBER RESOURCE MBRDSN)" lc1 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" lc2 = " Enter the Userid of the STCs that require access to", "the ACP00270 resource." lc3 = " Enter the members and data sets that contain the JCL." lc4 = " Resource values - A = CSVDYLPA.ADD" "D =", "CSVDYLPA.DELETE, Space = Both)" end Otherwise, If record_type = "D" then do header = " Data set names and/or Data set prefixes " header = header" Volume" dline1 = "_Z_Z " dline1 = dline1" +@Z +" helpvar = "SRRHD000" vars = "(S MEMBER PROGRAM)" lc1 = " Request:" desc lc2 = " "desc2 lc3 = " "desc3 lc4 = " Line command: D - Delete entry" lc5 = " Enter the data sets and/or data set mask/prefix", "for this request." end end Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" DISPLAY_VULQUES_TABLEA: row = 0 do until return_code > 0 return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBDISPL ADDTABLE PANEL(SRRP0001) POSITION(POS)", "AUTOSEL(NO) ROWID(ROW)" Address ISPEXEC "VGET (ZVERB ZSCROLLN) ASIS" display_rc = return_code If display_rc > 8 then leave Do while ztdsels > 0 return_code = 0 If s = "D" then, If member <> " " then do Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" end Else, nop Else do Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD ADDTABLE ORDER" If record_type > 1 & return_code = 8 then do Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 end If record_type = "D" then do Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 lmdrc = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMDINIT LISTID(TEMP1) LEVEL("member")" lmdrc = return_code Do until lmdrc > 0 if lmdrc > 0 then leave return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "LMDLIST LISTID("temp1") OPTION(LIST)", "DATASET(DSN) STATS(YES)" lmdrc = return_code If pos(".ASSIST ",dsn" ") > 0 |, pos(".ZIP ",dsn" ") > 0 then, dsn = "" If dsn > " " & zdlvol = "??????" then, dsn = "" If dsn > " " & zdlvol = "*ALIAS" then, Call alias_str If dsn > " " then do member = dsn program = zdlvol Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD ADDTABLE ORDER" end dsn = "" end Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD ADDTABLE ORDER" if lmdrc = 0 then, Address ISPEXEC "LMDFREE LISTID("temp1")" end end If ztdsels = 1 then, Address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY LOCK" return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBDISPL ADDTABLE" end If zcmd <> " " | display_rc = 8 then leave return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE ROW("row")" If return_code = 8 & row > 0 then, row = row - 1 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE ROW("row")" return_code = 0 end DISPLAY_VULQUES_END: return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" If zcmd <> "CANCEL" then, Do until return_code > 0 If member = " " then, Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" end row = 0 Return (display_rc) PUT_RECORD: rec_cnt = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBTOP ADDTABLE" Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" "EXCLUDE ALL '"prodname record_type"' 1" "CURSOR = 1 0" return_code = 0 If record_type = 4 then do data = prodname record_type aa cm as rv ti left(gp,8) ma at, mo st ps "FIND '"data"' FIRST 1" If return_code > 0 then do "LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = (DATA)" rec_cnt = rec_cnt + 1 end /*SIGNAL PUT_END*/ end Else, Do until return_code > 0 return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBGET ADDTABLE" sp = " " sp = sp||sp||sp||sp||sp||sp If pos(record_type,"DEFG") > 0 then do member = left(member,44) program = left(program,8) end Else do If prodname = "AAMV0012" then do member = left(member,22) program = left(program,8) end Else do member = left(member,8) program = left(program,8) userid = left(userid,8) end end Select When record_type = 1 then do If prodname = "IOA" | prodname = "NETVIEW" then do data = prodname record_type member program mbrdsn data = left(data,70) userid end Else do data = prodname record_type member mbrdsn data = left(data,70) userid data = left(data,79)resource data = left(data,80) resource = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBMOD ADDTABLE ORDER" end Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" userid = "" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" end When pos(record_type,"257") > 0 then, data = prodname record_type member program pgmdsn When record_type = 3 then, data = prodname record_type member left(resource,8), left(grpres,8) left(musass,8) mlid When record_type = 6 then, data = prodname record_type member mbrdsn When pos(record_type,"DEFG") > 0 then, data = prodname record_type member When record_type = "S" then do ssid = strip(member,"T") data = prodname record_type ssid Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" If length(ssid) <= 4 & length(ssid) > 0 &, prodname = "MQS" then do member = ssid"CHIN" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" member = ssid"MSTR" Address ISPEXEC "TBADD ADDTABLE ORDER" member = ssid end end Otherwise nop end return_code = 0 If (member <> " " | program <> " ") &, left(member,1) <> "_" then, "FIND '"data"' FIRST 1" If return_code > 0 then do "LINE_AFTER .ZLAST = (DATA)" rec_cnt = rec_cnt + 1 end If prodname = "CA1" | prodname = "ICSF" |, (prodname >= "BMCCT" & prodname <= "BMCIOA") |, prodname = "BMCMVZ" | prodname = "NETVIEW" |, prodname = "CLSUPER" | prodname = "NCPASS" then, Address ISPEXEC "TBDELETE ADDTABLE" return_code = 0 Address ISPEXEC "TBSKIP ADDTABLE" end PUT_END: "DELETE ALL X" Return (rec_cnt) PRODUCT_STATUS: "SEEK ALL '"prodname "' 1" "(P1,P2) = SEEK_COUNTS" return_code = 0 "SEEK FIRST '"prodname 0"' 1" If return_code > 0 then do If inst = "S" then do inst = "Y" mbrs = "Missing" end Else, mbrs = "Used?" Return (0) end Else do "(DATA) = LINE .ZCSR" inst = substr(data,12,1) If inst = " " then do mbrs = "Used?" Return (0) end Else, mbrs = " " end If inst = "S" then do mbrs = "Missing" inst = "Y" Return (0) end If (inst = "N" | rectypes = " ") &, P1 = 1 then, Return (0) Do recx = 1 to length(rectypes) rt = substr(rectypes,recx,1) "SEEK FIRST '"prodname rt"' 1" If return_code > 0 then do mbrs = "Missing" If mbr = "VULQUES" then, inst = left(inst,1)"?" recx = length(rectypes) end end Return (0) ALIAS_STR: return_code = 0 x = outtrap("out.") Address TSO "LISTCAT ENTRY('"dsn"') ALIAS ALL" If return_code > 4 then Return dsn = "" Do X = 1 to out.0 line = out.x If pos("RESOLVED-",line) > 0 then do parse var line . "RESOLVED-" dsn . parse var dsn sdsn "&" var "." edsn syssym = mvsvar("symdef",var) If syssym = "" & pos("&",dsn) > 0 then, dsn = "" Else, dsn = sdsn""syssym""edsn end If pos("VSAM--",line) > 0 then, parse var line . "VSAM--" dsn . end Return (return_code) NoValue: Failure: Syntax: say pgmname 'REXX error' rc 'in line' sigl':' strip(ERRORTEXT(rc)) say SOURCELINE(sigl) Exit Error: return_code = RC if return_code > maxcc then, maxcc = return_code return