Apple II Textfiles

With the introduction of the Apple II family of computers, the wonders of programming, communicating, and just plain geeking out became affordable for an entire generation of budding enthusiasts and their families. By the end of the 70's an entire culture had risen up around the Apple II, and the energy of thousands of hardware and software hackers went into learning every last op-code and settable switch within the machine.

It can't be discounted that Apple's successful foray into the educational market resulted in schools countrywide brimming with Apple IIs, and social groups collecting around the labs after school hours. All manner of things happened there, some documented below.

These files range from explicit memory maps of the Apple II to long tutorials on how to "crack" games, that is, remove all copy protection and make the game easier to distribute between other pirates.

Description of the Textfile
ADCApple II Development Forum Conference Transcriptions (1988-1991)
ANATOMYDOS 3.3 Anatomy
CRACKINGFiles about Deprotecting Software or Adding Cheats
DOCUMENTATION"Soft Dox" for Apple Programs
GENIELAMPArchive of the Genielamp A2, the GEnie Apple II Roundtable
PIRACYWritings, Rags, Messages and Lore of the Apple II Pirates/Phreaks
REVIEWSReviews of Apple II Software
WALKTHROUGHSWalkthroughs of Apple II Specific Adventures
6502.bugs.txt 3064
A Collection of 6502 Processor Bugs
a2img.fmt 2791
USENET: Description of the 2img Disk Format
a2memmov.txt 6360
Memory Moves with an Apple IIe and Extended 80 Column Card Part I, by Hawkeye
acat202mods.txt 3833
A Collection of Apple Cat 202 Mods by The Digital Knight
acatexpanded.txt 9797
Expanding your Apple Cat II by The Ware-Wolf of the Hi-Res Hijackers/202 Alliance/WareBusters
acatmods.txt 1393
Some Apple-Cat Mods by Mr. Houdini
acatprogram.txt 5750
Advanced Programming Information for the Apple Cat by The Homer Brothers
acatreference.txt 4704
A Quick Reference Sheet for the Novation Apple-Cat Firmware Rom by Captain Avatar
acos.hst.mod 6235
How to get Speed out of your HST and HST Dual Standard Modem on an Apple IIGS 1792
A list of commands for Ascii Express
aht.01.v1.1 11833
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1991): Pre-Apple History
aht.02.v1.1 9884
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1991): The Apple I
aht.03.v1.1 23548
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1991): The Apple II
aht.04.v1.1 13580
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1991): The Apple II, Continued
aht.05.v1.1 8477
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1991): The Disk II
aht.06.v1.1 21745
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1991): The Apple II Plus
aht.07.v1.1 24260
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): The Apple IIe
aht.08.v1.1 23149
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): The Apple IIc
aht.09.v1.2 27985
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Disk Evolution and the Apple IIc Plus
aht.10.v1.0 18021
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): The Apple IIgs
aht.11.v1.0 18339
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): The Apple IIgs Continued
aht.12.v1.1 33209
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Peripherals and the Apple II Abroad
aht.13.v1.0 29418
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Peripherals, Continued
aht.14.v1.0 22540
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): DOS
aht.16.v1.0 22053
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Languages
aht.17.v1.0 22980
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Languages, Continued
aht.18.v1.1 41760
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Software
aht.19.v1.0 32116
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): AppleWorks
aht.20.v1.0 30306
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Magazines
aht.21.v1.0 30618
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Magazines, Continued
aht.22.v1.0 22904
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Telecommunications
aht.23.v1.0 44961
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Renaissance
aht.apndxb.v1.0 35200
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): An Apple II Timeline
aht.apndxc.v1.0 10081
The Apple II History, by Steven Weyhrich (1992): Genealogy
aids 1024
Method for detecting the "Cyberaids Virus", by The Chemist
alien.clues 1448
Passwords for Alien Mind, by The Undertaker and the Vandal
alinto.txt 12676
An Introduction to Assembly Language Programming (on the Apple II) by Charles R. Smith
ansi.spcs 24911
ANSI and VT100 Codes 4157
Combining Applesoft with Assembly Language
apple.txt 4189
The Text of the Apple-Microsoft Agreement 9388
The Sad, True Truth of the Apple II GS (Stands for Goddamned Slow)
applecat2mods.txt 1380
Apple Cat Mods, from Mr. Houdini
applecatapi.txt 11140
The Apple-Cat Modem A.P.I. by The Tailpipe
applecatf.txt 3116
Apple Cat Firmware Installation/Instructions
applecatpatch.txt 6994
A Collection of Patches for the CATMSFT and CATCPI CP/M Applce-Cat II Modem Programs
applefaq.txt 9340
The Apple Frequently Asked Questions List
appleii.jok 1384
The Unofficial Apple II Brainwash Test by Fred E. Long
applemouse.txt 9734
Applemouse Programming, by Z-Man 4096
Advertisement for Apple-net software. Note feature list
applenet.txt 8468
Getting AE/Catfur to Work with Apple Net, by The 0mega, Lord Vision and The Rock n' Roll Doctor (July 9, 1986)
apples.txt 8230
Why the Apple II is Broken 11205
Apple //c Serial Port Information 2320
The Beagle Brothers Applesoft Tips Guide
appletips.txt 2049
Small Collection of Apple II Tips 2677
Apple //e Soft Switch, Status, and other I/O locations
assembler.txt 5456
The Best Apple's Assembly Tutorial Part 1: The Assembler by The Best Apple and Edited by Nowhere Man
bigu_doc.txt 86817
DOCUMENTATION: Big U, by Beagle Brothers Software, Transcribed by Mike Spangler (2003)
bin.ii 18944
Apple II Binary File Format, developed by Gary B. Little
binaryii.txt 18101
The Binary II Protocol Information by Gary B. Little (November 24, 1986)
binhex.txt 2690
Description of the .HQX File Format by Dave Johnson of Brown University Computer Science
bitsbaud.txt 11553
Bits, Baud Rate, and BPS, by michael A. Banks, 1988
bootl-6.hac 102420
Bootlegger Magazine Excerpts (Apple II Stuff) 7176
Bit Blaster's Information on the Cat Fur Modem 9818
Expanding your Apple Cat // by the Warewolf
centauri.alliance.txt 4238
Review of Centauri Alliance
cf-ae-pokes.txt 1942
Locations in DOS for Poking the Apple Cat, by Philip F. Esterhaus
champ.lode.runner.txt 3119
Review of Championship Lode Runner
command.set.txt 2122
A Quick Cheat Sheet of ProDOS Commands
coolcatinfo.txt 9765
Expanding Your Apple Cat II by The Ware Wolf 5716
Corrections to programming for the Apple Cat
cr.adder 1441
How to add Carriage Returns to Appleworks Databases 15403
Introduction to how AppleDOS operates 5062
An Introduction to Program Compression
cramit.txt 7040
Some Tips on Cramming Data with an Apple 5071
A simple compression scheme
deathlord.txt 4008
Review of The Deathlord
diskgo.txt 613
Getting Faster Apple DOS Speeds by Tamerlane of the Ring
disksplitter.txt 640
DOCUMENTATION: Disk Splitter 2.5 by The Stack and The Atom
dos.chart 1678
The DOS 3.3 Memory Access Chart
dosless.txt 1792
Creating an Apple DOS-Less Disk
doubletake.txt 33268
SOFTDOCS: Double-Take, 2-Way-Scroll Multiple-Utility Disk by Mark Simonsen of Beagle Brothers (1983)
drelbs.txt 2817
SOFTDOCS: Drelbs, from The Ware Lords by Mr. Echo and The Intern (1984)
dsk.img 6446
USENET: A Method for Using a Mac to Make a .dsk Image File Back into a Real IIgs Disk
dskimages 8354
USENET: Transferring Files from the PC or Mac to a GS 3739
Message: Bugs in IIGS Proterm v1.9p 4286
A comment on error traps, by Nick Fotheringham
errors.txt 4480
A Comment on Error Traps by Nick Fotheringham from the Apple Barrel 9367
Expanding your Apple Cat, by Warewolf
fasteddie10b1.prsrls 4650
USENET: Press Release: Fast Eddie 1.0b1 Beta: Apple IIGS Emulation for the Power Macintosh
fasteddie10b1.qna 6059
USENET: The Fast Eddie (possibly) Frequently Asked Questions
fevsgus 3505
USENET: Review of the Fast Eddie Beta through the PowerMac AV Video Out
fools.errand.txt 2054
Review of Fool's Errand
format.nufx.txt 47577
The New Archive Standard for the Apple II -- "NuFX" -- NuFile eXchange by Andy Nicholas (February 3, 1989)
funwiththecat.txt 6081
Fun with the Cat: Tutorial Number One by Rappin' Jimmy B of the Knights of Nicht
funwiththecat2.txt 2045
Fun With the Cat: Tutorial Number Two by Rappin' Jimmy B of the Knights of Nicht (February 15, 1986) 4684
The Future Evolution of Ascii Express (Humor)
gamecheats.txt 4102
Collection of Patches, Cheats and Mods to Apple Games (August 1, 1982)
gif.txt 32977
The Standard of the Graphics Interchange Format (June 15, 1987)
gserror.txt 4503
A Collection of GE/OS Error Codes
homeword.txt 2682
SOFTDOCS: Homeword
icon.convert 3308
Converting Apple IIGS Icons to Clip Art by Marty Knight
iigsprob.hum 2680
The Apple IIgs Sound Problem 5961
The Official Joystick Review Guide, by The Tracker 7768
How to Beat Karateka by ?Syntax Error 9981
How to kick butt with AE Macro Action
locksmith.txt 8035
Some Updates About Locksmith from The A.P.B. (April 3, 1983)
locksmithparm.txt 18481
Locksmith Parameters by The A.P.B. (April 3, 1983) 11449
Late-breaking (1987) information on The Macintosh II 15408
Dr. Firmware's Tutorial of Machine Language
memory.txt 12020
An Apple Peek Poke, Call List
ml.part.i 5680
The Machine Language Tutorial Disk by Dr. Firmware
ml.part.ii 5370
The Machine Language Tutorial Disk Part II by Dr. Firmware
ml.part.iii 5627
The Machine Language Tutorial Disk Part III by Dr. Firmware
ml.part.iv 4970
The Machine Language Tutorial Disk Part IV by Dr. Firmware
ml.part.v 5703
The Machine Language Tutorial Disk Part V by Dr. Firmware 5210
The Machine Language Tutorial Disk Part VI by Dr. Firmware
mllessons.txt 27067
Machine Language Tutorial by The Shoalin Temple of the Dragon BBS and Tom O' Brien
oneguy.txt 1408
Hey, If You Pirate the Game, Don't Call Tech Support
oneusi 2432
A Ad for 1US1: The Tommy-Gun Fax for the Apple II GS by Captain Tom 2811
Various Apple Opcodes
parameters.txt 13824
A Collection of Apple II Copy Protection/Copy Settings (June 9, 1982)
parm2.txt 1024
Collection of Apple II Copy Parameters
peekpk.txt 1280
Apple Peeks and Pokes List 21120
A really large collection of Apple II PEEKs and POKEs
peeks.pokes 2957
Description of the differences between CALL, PEEK and POKE in Applesoft
peeks.pokes.1 6166
Collection of Apple Peeks and Pokes
peeks.pokes.2 4396
Collection of Apple Peeks and Pokes in the Zero Page Area
peeks.pokes.3.1 14869
Apple Peeks, Pokes and Calls List Version 2.1 by The Enforcer (May 1984)
peeks.pokes.3.2 5377
Miscellaneous Applesoft Information, by Control Reset
peex-pokes.txt 2418
The Beagle Brothers Peek and Poke Chart 3045
The Poor Man's 2600 Hertz by Sir Briggs 19769
A really large collection of Apple II PEEKs and POKEs (Duplicate)
puppy 20973
Documentation About Puppy, a Very Small Scale Bulletin Board for Apples by Tom Jennings (December 10, 1987)
quick.draw.3 5122
Quick-Draw Adventure Mapper by Sherlock Apple (Part III)
quick.spells 3256
Quick-Draw Adventure Mapper by Sherlock Apple (Spells)
resurrect.txt 12007
Ressurection: When an AppleWorks Word Processor or Data File Goes Bad by Harold D. Portnoy (1990) 7195
A SuperConvert 4 Review by Rudy A. Guy 15503
The Do-It-Yourself SCSI Hard Drive Manual by Paladin (November 6, 1988) 6956
Secret Keys: Little easter eggs and news about Apple II games
secretkeys.faq 49612
The Definitive Source Guide to Secret Keys, Easter Eggs and Hidden Messages by the Ramsacker (April 15, 1992)
tex 7780
SOFTDOCS: TEX: Text Filt Utility by Floyd Zink, Jr. (1987)
usr.16.8k 85773
The Info File on the USR Robotics 16.8k Model
vanilla.hd 34895
Dr. Ken's Roll-Your-Own Vanilla SCSI Hard Disk Drive by Dr. Kenneth Buchholz
vanilla.tape 21723
Build Your Own Vanilla SCSI Tape Backup System by Dr. Kenneth Buchholz (1989) 33057
1986 Seminar on "Macintosh in Film and TV Production"
vt100 3685
DEC VT-100 Compatible Cursor Command Sequences 3012
Advice about playing Wizardry IV
wiztips1.txt 10590
Wizardry Tips I by Jim Reich
wiztips2.txt 7681
Wizardry Tips II
wiztips3.txt 5304
Wizardry Tips III by Jim Reich
wiztips4.txt 8538
Wizardry Tips IV by Jim Reich
wozconf1.txt 21151
Transcription of conference on MAUG (Compuserve Apple Users Group) with Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple (October 16, 1983) 8231
USENET: Review of the Freeware Version of WordPerfect IIgs by Corel (January 31, 1997)
xmodem 21581
XMODEM Protocol Reference, by Ward Christensen January 1, 1982
ymodem.s 13048
YMODEM Source Code for GBBS by Mike Golazewski or Greg Schaefer
zmodem.gbbs 7045
The Addition of ZMODEM to GBBS!
zorroplaying.txt 659
Zorro Playing Tips, by The Tracker

There are 157 files for a total of 1,962,904 bytes.
There are 8 directories.