Alternative Communications Bulletin Board System's Infopage |
The ACO BBS has now new phone numbers: 1. line: (244) 50539
The ACO BBS is modem-based so-called Bulletin Board System, that means server where you can connect in with computer and modem and can read personal and public-area message bases there and also download or upload files into systemated file areas.
The ACO BBS technical data:
How to connect The ACO BBS:
System's name: The ACO BBS System's operator
(SysOp):Taavi Tamberg ja
Märt LaakSystem's location: Pärnu, Estonia System's FidoNet address: 2:490/29 System's Interneti mail domen: Open times: Mon-Fri 20:00 - 8:00, Sun,Sat 24h Phone numbers: (244) 50 539 (line 1)
(244) 50 529 (line 2)
NB! Please do NOT call on weekdays Mon-Fri during 8.00-20.00Message areas: EW.* (estonian fido areas)
EE.* (estonian ee.* Usenet groups mirrors)
many popular international FIDO areasFile areas: 15 file areas,
total 1600 (400 MB) systematically ordered files.
Mostly programming utilities and goodies and free- or shareware utliliities for DOS and Windwows.System's working language: english
To connect The ACO BBS you must have modem and terminal emulator program. For DOS there is popular to use Telix. For Windows95 you can use HyperTerminal that comes with Windows. You must conufigure your terminal emulation program into ANSI emulation (in HyperTerminal's File->Proparties->Settings window). Then enter The ACO BBS phone number andpress Dial.
When modem connection is established then there comes following text into screen "Press Esc-Esc ". This insturcts you what to do next - press [Esc]-key on the keyboard twice and then there comes onto screen The ACO BBS login. Type in your name and last name there. Then press [Enter].
When you are first-time user the BBS system asks you some questions that you must answer (address, phone number, etc.). Don't be alarmed - this information is only for BBS's sysop's use to have some idea who and how often uses the BBS. After this done system asks you to choose a password for your login. And then you are in! For the start with Disgrace access level, that gives not too much time to surf in and not too many KB-s to download from. But you can ask any time SysOp to raise your level to Normal or even more...Happy connecting.