Role-Playing Games

Description of the Textfile 5196
Going to your first SCA Event, by Lady Alisky MacKyven Raizel
8themis.txt 12919
MESSAGES: Discussions on a message base with an online role-playing campaign
add-alco.txt 550541
The Complete Guide to AD&D Alcohol for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons by Reid Bluebaugh
adndmods.txt 21055
An Alternate System for AD&D (Modifications)
alcohol.txt 540556
The Complete Guide to Alcohol for Fantasy Role-Playing Games
alcohol1996.txt 655689
The Complete Guide to Alcohol for Fantasy Role-Playing Games (1996 Revision)
altwrestling.txt 7548
The New and Improved Alternative Wrestling System
anjou.txt 18440
Advice from Rene' d'Anjou (Good King Rene') on the Running of Tournaments
bagofwonder.txt 15196
The Bag O' Wonderous Items
basicinf.asc 74214
Striker II Introductory Infantry Rules by Stephen Madjanovich
believer 10785
An Introduction to Tracy Jessup, a New Character from Kirsten M. Berry
bookages.txt 71440
The Book of Ages, by Nordag Elbereth of Mirmir, aka the Wanderer
bow_weat 3886
Missle Weapons Damage/Weather Generation for AD&D by James Heath (June 30, 1992)
cantrips.txt 57989
Peako's Book O' Cantrips (Spell Book)
caos1-1.txt 15405
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 1 (January 31, 1993)
caos1-10.txt 12909
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 10 (March 22, 1993)
caos1-11.txt 24844
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 11 (March 22, 1993)
caos1-12.txt 24051
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 12 (March 22, 1993)
caos1-2.txt 16782
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 2 (January 31, 1993)
caos1-3.txt 17680
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 3 (February 14, 1993)
caos1-4.txt 20100
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 4 (February 21, 1993)
caos1-5.txt 24404
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 5 (February 21, 1993)
caos1-7.txt 17217
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 7 (February 28, 1993)
caos1-8.txt 20577
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 8 (March 7, 1993)
caos1-9.txt 16333
Chaosium Digest Volume 1, Number 9 (March 7, 1993)
carnal.txt 352235
The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge for Fantasy Role-Playing Games (1996)
castles.txt 18553
Castles: Courtesy of Shadowfire and Anarchy, International
catalog.txt 4293
The Pendragon Productions Catalog (Shareware Catalog)
chaos1.txt 7660
The Chaos RPG: The Most Successful Sub-Board on the Lost Resort (1988)
chblade.d&d 5841
Chaos Blades, from Brandon Cope
cheetah.mch 1800
Clan Ghost Bear "Racemech" - Cheetah Experimental Racemech By Nightblade
cl-adept.d&d 5276
A New Class for Humans: The Adept
cl-alch1.d&d 17033
Alchemist, a Mage Subclass
cl-arch.d&d 26312
The Archer as a Non-Player Character
cl-arson.d&d 5072
The Arsonist Kit, by John Givler
cl-aviat.d&d 4864
The Aviator Kit, by John Givler
cl-bard.d&d 3624
The Bad as a Non-Player Character
cl-bard2.d&d 7303
A New and Improved Bard
cl-beneg.d&d 3657
The Bene Gesserit: Description of the Character
cl-blade.d&d 3756
A New CLass: Blademage
cl-brd-g.d&d 3912
The Bard Class for NPCs by Dave Marshall
cl-brd-p.d&d 5332
The Bard Kit by Dave Marshall
cl-casem.d&d 2023
A Caseman Class: A Fighter Who can Pick locks, by The Weasel
cl-caval.d&d 6228
The Cavalier Kit, by Scott Belangia
cl-charm.d&d 4877
The Charmer Kit and Spell by Frank Steven Gimenez
cl-cheys.d&d 4835
The AD&D Fighter Kit
cl-chiar.d&d 4108
The Chiaroscuro by John Givler
cl-churc.d&d 4735
The Idea of Church knights by Scott Horrocks (April 29, 1992)
cl-crusa.d&d 3009
The Crusader Class, by David Bolack (April 25, 1992)
cl-demag.d&d 6067
The Demagogue Class
cl-drgld.d&d 4662
Dragonlords as Non Player Characters from the Finn of Roses (Walker White)
cl-dwarn.d&d 10325
The Dwarnoi - Dwarven Stone Mages Character Class, from Chua Jak Lien
cl-genda.d&d 4254
The Gendarme Kit, by John Givler
cl-grunt.d&d 4673
The Grunt Character Class, by Sunny G. (1990)
cl-guard.d&d 3970
The Guardian Character Class
cl-gydni.d&d 6460
A Collection of Church Knights, by Eric Pommer
cl-haruc.d&d 7626
The Haruchai Character Class
cl-healr.d&d 28757
The Healer Character Class
cl-highl.d&d 5027
The Highlander Character Class by David Bolack
cl-ilnew.d&d 12025
The Illusionist/Mentalist Class, by Nancy McCaskey
cl-irres.d&d 4895
The Irresoluter Class by john Givler
cl-jedi.d&d 14178
The Jedi Character Class by Thomas Head
cl-kendo.d&d 4696
The Kendoka Character Class, by John Givler
cl-kensi.d&d 7853
The Kensai Character Class
cl-knite.d&d 3202
The Knight-Errant: A Kit for the Bard or Fighter by David Bolack
cl-kobud.d&d 3970
The Kobudoka Character Class by John Givler
cl-lowmn.d&d 8976
The Beggar Priest/Thief Class
cl-magus.d&d 4994
The Magus: A Character Class for Second Edition AD&D by David Bolack
cl-mart.d&d 16994
The Martial Artist Kit, by Lord Dynthian
cl-megma.d&d 5616
The Metamagician Character Class
cl-modul.d&d 5528
The Moduli Druid Class
cl-monks.d&d 29449
The Renavated Class of Monk
cl-munch.d&d 1548
The Munchkin Class
cl-myskn.d&d 12309
The Mystic Knight: A Knight of the Star Order (Character Class)
cl-ninj2.d&d 24610
The Ninja Character Class
cl-ninja.d&d 9081
The "Ninja" Class, by John Givler
cl-palcn.d&d 5704
the Chaos Knight Character Class
cl-pandi.d&d 3743
The Pandions Character Class, by Malibar (May 1, 1992)
cl-phoph.d&d 4275
The Propher Character Class
cl-pirat.d&d 3582
The Pirate (A Fighter Sub-Class) by Aaron Brown (October 12, 1989)
cl-protc.d&d 9846
The Protector Class by Tryslora Eloran and Deb Atwood
cl-psych.d&d 7730
The Psychic Class by Mario Di Giacomo (1992)
cl-range.d&d 4997
The Range Guide Class by Kihe Blackeagle
cl-ranmg.d&d 2525
The Ranger Mage Class
cl-sage.d&d 7192
The Sage Class by David M. Girardot
cl-seafa.d&d 5075
The Seafarer Class, by John Givler
cl-sorc.d&d 20132
The Sorceror Class
cl-spelu.d&d 6321
The Spelunker/Cavernier by John Givler
cl-survi.d&d 3134
The Survivor Class
cl-swash.d&d 19033
The Swashbuckler Class, by Nancy McCaskey
cl-swind.d&d 5065
The Swindler Class by John Givler
cl-techo.d&d 5271
The Technocrat Class by Mike Kruppenbacher
cl-tmlrd.d&d 4010
The Time Lords of AD&D/Temporals
cl-tradr.d&d 5706
The Trader Character Class, by David Girardot (November 17, 1991)
cl-trans.d&d 4187
The Transgressor, by John Givler
cl-vampr.d&d 9693
Vampire Classes
cl-vind.d&d 6289
The Vindicator Class by John Givler
cl-vmhtr.d&d 10100
The Vampire Hunter/Fighter Class by Aaron Brown (1990)
cl-wand2.d&d 4650
The Wanderer Class
cl-warld.d&d 4612
The Warlord Class
cl-warlk.d&d 10271
The Warlock/Witch Class by Lindsey lambert (February 14, 1992)
cl-witch.d&d 23589
The Witch Class for AD&D
cl-wpnms.d&d 6643
The Warrior Kit: Weapon Master, by Andy Akins
cmc.txt 2662
How to Join the Center for Monster Control
coelcant.txt 13247
The Coelacanth for RPG by Larry Langley (August 29, 1992)
coffin.txt 53284
Adventure for Warhammer: Into the Mages' Coffin by J. Lambregts & F. Lubbers
combat_2.ascii 82136
COMBAT II: The Revised Combat System for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons by Kevin L. Seachrist
combat_2.txt 1982
COMBAT II: THe Revised COmpat System for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons by Kevin Seacraft (Introduction)
companion.txt 13319
FANFICTION: AD&D: Companion by Ron Stanions (February 9, 1994)
cooltabl.txt 9673
A Quick and Diry Apotheosis Table by Dave DVan Domelen (1992)
cosmos 396315
COSMOS: The Universal Role Playing System (Rules, Spells, Characters)
cosmos.readme 385
Introduction to Version 1.0 of COSMOS, a Universal Roleplaying System
cp_gang.txt 6103
The Gangs of Night City, brought to you by The Red Ferret
cw-corp.txt 18626
The Corporate Approach to Car Wars by Mad Al Loud (1986)
cyberule.con 3498
Cyberpunk: The Rules, by Tharrys Ridenow
death.txt 7415
Hovering on Death's Door Rules: Less Deaths, More Permanent Damage
dices.txt 11552
Ways to Make the Dice Roll High Numbers
divine_magic.txt 4194
The Idea of Divine Magic to Separate Priest Class from Wizard Class, by Greg Howley
dorian.txt 24178
Character Sheets for a World of Greyhawk Cast
drakkhen.txt 5284
A Collection of Hints for Drakkhen
dungsubm.txt 30492
Dungeon Magazine Submission Guidelines
dwafarmr.txt 5102
Information on Drawvish Armor
dwafweap.txt 4254
Dwarvish Weapons of Power for AD&D by John Marchetti
ednd-v1.2.readme 1574
EDND - Version 1.2 - Readme File (August 19, 1993)
ednd-v1.txt 90165
Enhanced Dungeons and Dragons Version 1.2 by Silverfist Productions (1993)
equipment 72340
The Great Net Equipment List Version 2.0, Compiled by Mark J. Carrasco
evasionvsarmor.txt 5703
Evasion vs. Armor in AD&D by Greg Howley
ewc.txt 3072
How to Join the Eccentric Wizards Club
fairdice.txt 34653
PAPER: Testing Dice for bias by Glen Barnett (December 2, 1992)
familiar 4505
What are the Best Creatures for Familiars?
finalprb.txt 40031
The Final Problem (Story)
fnnv2n7.txt 59018
The Adventurer's Journal Volume 2 Issue #7 (June 1, 1994)
folklore.elf 10232
Elves in Tolkien and Folklore, an Overview
frweaps.txt 8714
Unique Weapons of the Forgotten Realms, by Gary E. Schaper
fudge-ad.txt 57311
FUDGE: Freeform, Universal, Donated Gaming Engine (Free Role Playing Game System) by Steffan O'Sullivan (1992)
fudge-rl.txt 151223
FUDGE: Freeform, Universal, Donated Gaming Engine (Rules)
fudge-vh.txt 35372
FUDGE: Freeform, Universal, Donated Gaming Engine (Vehicle Rules)
g-romanc.txt 15255
GURPS Romance, by Paul Beakley
grenade.txt 8392
Grenade Weapon Specialization
hee-yo1.txt 8173
Hee-Yo! Shouts and Other Uses of Ki by Paul W. Will
hellfire.mch 2311
Clan Jade Falcon Battlemech - Hellfire By Nightblade
hellflam.txt 15032
The Nine Hells in AD&D
herb.txt 127032
The Guide to Herbs for RPGs (4th Edition) by Shaun Hately (1996)
hghlndr1.txt 7849
Highlander: Chapter 1: The Gathering
hghlndr2.txt 7063
Highlander: Chapter 2: Character Creation
hghlndr3.txt 10975
Highlander: Chapter 3: Quickening
hghlndr4.txt 2504
Highlander: Chapter 4: Systems
hghlndr5.txt 6937
Highlander: Chapter 5: The World of Darkness
hghlndre.txt 3061
Highlander: Epilogue
hghlndri.txt 1712
Highlander: Introduction to Role-Playing Highlander
highland.txt 37165
The AD&D Guide to Highlander by Desmond McReid
highlander.txt 36870
The Highlander Guide for Fantasy Role Playing Games by Duncan McDier of the Clan McDier
highlndr.txt 31916
The AD&D Guide to Highlander, by Reid McBluebaugh of the Clan McBluebaugh
highmagk.txt 6216
The System of Correspondences for Casting Spells (RPG) (1993)
hospitl.txt 5549
Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, a.k.a. Knights of Malta (October 1990)
hygiene.txt 26294
The (More or Less) Complete Guide to Hygene for Fantasy Role Playing Games
hygiene1996.txt 34335
The (More or Less) Complete Guide to Hygene for Fantasy Role Playing Games (1996 Revision)
iago 263459
Iago's War Manual for Tradewars 2002 (V1.03)
ifgs.faq 5864
The International Fantasy Gaming Society by Dara Naraghi
impaler.txt 4360
The Impaler RCC: A Special RCC by DaBeechMan and BadgerBorg
intro-cn.txt 4695
The Information necessary to Make a Character for the Chaos and Anarchy World
invisi.txt 12133
De Re Invisibilitas: A Dungeon Master's Encyclical
lastword.dd 16908
Famous Last Words collected by Oliver Rosenkranz
ltuaerpg.1 9055
Overview of LTUAE the Roleplaying Game, a BBS RPG (December 1993)
ltuaerpg.2 9561
Overview of LTUAE the Roleplaying Game, a BBS RPG (December 1993)
ltuaerpg.3 11524
Overview of LTUAE the Roleplaying Game, a BBS RPG (December 1993)
luck.txt 17658
The Luck Attribute
metallica-guide.txt 192151
The Complete Guide to Metallica for Fantasy Role-Playing Games
monsters.txt 56683
Monsters and Mazes by John Garwood (Homebrew Role-Playing)
moriachr.die 1060
RIP: Madness the Sharper
muspell.txt 48008
The Penultimate AD&D Magic User Spell List by Tim Prestero (March 14, 1991)
nagee1.txt 163677
The First Annual Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything Else
nagee2.txt 236405
The Second Annual Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything Else
nagee3.txt 200736
The Third Annual Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything Else
nb_rddls 97575
The Infamous Net.Book.Riddles (Riddles for Role Playing) Version 3.0b by Mark Manning
nethand.txt 239770
The Complete Net Handbook Version 1.0 by Joe Delisle
netpsionicbook 321772
The Complete Net Psionics Handbook by Charon The Boatman (1993)
new-spel.928 342321
A Collection of New Spells for Dungeons and Dragons
newmage.spl 162325
Mage Spells and Cantrip From Dragon magazine and other sources
newmagic.txt 3942
Dragon Magic 1.0 - Alternative Magic System for AD&D by J. Andrew Kitkowski (1995)
newmap.txt 24755
TradeWars Version 2 SysOp Galaxy Map (December 8, 1989)
nonweaponprof.txt 33562
Non Weapon Proficiencies 219071
The Net Wizard's Handbook, Second Edition (August 1991) by Jim Gitzlaff and Staff
omegarul.txt 76717
Battletech Omega Rules 1.1.1 part 1 of 2, from Hall moore (1992)
omegatch.txt 217953
Battletech Omega Rules 1.1.2 by Hall Moore III (February 9, 1993) 9122
Welcome to Blight City! 17421
Making your Toonpunk 2020 Character 15965
Cyberspace and Netroaming 24126
The Toonpunk Campaign 24276
The Net Profits Catalog
phandb.d&d 12200
Corrections to the TSR Player's Handbook
phantasi.txt 18169
Phantasie I: Adventurer's Characteristics
phoenix 14131
Character Sheet for the Phoenix
plot-tags.txt 6577
Descriptions of Tags and Shorthand in the Plots Files
plots1.txt 69479
The Net Book of Plots Volume 1
plots2.txt 92819
The Net Book of Plots Volume 2
plots3.txt 169161
The Net Book of Plots Volume 3
plots4.txt 139606
The Net Book of Plots Volume 4
plots5.txt 169934
The Net Book of Plots Volume 5
plots6.txt 185934
The Net Book of Plots Volume 6
poison.txt 116891
Poisons of the Realm
psionics.d&d 40989
The Use of Psionics in D&D
px1_drug.txt 36639
AD&D Drugs by Desmond Reid
px2_dice.txt 18827
AD&D Dice Games by Desmond Reid
px3_bowling.txt 15602
The Blue Ball Bowling System, by Desmond Reid
px4_comedy.txt 19455
AD&D Comedy by Desmond Reid
px5_gruel.txt 2211
Gruel by Desmond Reid
rating00.txt 520
Introduction to the Net.Ratings.Guide to TSR Products by GOth
rating01.txt 27817
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #1: Complete Handbooks
rating02.txt 26452
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #2: Core 2nd Edition Books
rating03.txt 13468
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #3: Dungeon Master's References
rating04.txt 13790
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #4: Dungeon Master's Miscellany
rating05.txt 10316
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #5: Rating Results for Planescape
rating06.txt 18736
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #6: First Edition Ratings
rating07.txt 12194
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #7: 2nd Edition Ratings (Miscellany)
rating08.txt 7362
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #8: Dark Sun Ratings
rating09.txt 4231
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #9: Dragonlance Ratings
rating10.txt 13640
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #10: Greyhawk Ratings
rating11.3 13921
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #11: Ravenloft Ratings 9928
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #11: Ravenloft Ratings (Revised)
rating12.txt 17497
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #12: Forgotten Realms Ratings
rating13.txt 2850
Results for TSR.Net.Guide Rating Form #13: Campaign Settings
realplay.txt 15409
Realism Vs. Playability in Simulation Game Design, by Steve Jackson (June 19, 1991)
rffhmn.txt 3810
RIFTS: Face Hugger Monster designed by Mike Best (May 5, 1994)
rft-diam.txt 18852
A Diamond in the Rough (A Rifts Adventure by Matt Tilove)
rft-dkwl.txt 6751
Dark Wolf Power Armor
rft-harn.txt 9644
RIFT Adventure: Infinity Inc.
rft-morf.txt 6356
Glitzy-2000: A Magic Alternative to Glitterboys (RPG)
rft-stuf.txt 92850
RIFTS: DaBeechMan Complete
rft-weap.txt 9727
Song of the TeamBlades (Weapons for RIFTS by BaBeechMan)
rlrp.txt 9127
Real Life Role Play Rules, by John Garwood
rndenc.txt 63326
The Net Random Encounters Book by Joseph DuBois
rodopact.txt 3066
Information on the Rod of Pacts
rogue.txt 4782
Some Hints to Playing Rogue
rogues.txt 210903
The Net Rogues' Gallery by Steven R. Hamby (August 1st, 1993)
rpg_technology.txt 95848
The Complete Guide to RPG Technology for Fantasy Role-Playing Games
rpgfor-1.txt 54290
Messages from a Multi-State RPG BBS Forum (1991)
rpgnode.frm 3477
Role-Playing Game NetWork RPGNet Application Form (June 16, 1994)
rpgrules.txt 2335
RPGNet Rules (June 16, 1994)
rq-magic.txt 14720
Morocanth Thumbs: The Quest, by Martin Crim
rq3modul.txt 139921
Against the Rise of Emon: Prologue
rqv1a.dig 22305
RuneQuest Digest Compilation Edition Volume 1, issues 1-3 by Andrew Bell
rqv1c.dig 47290
RuneQuest Digest Compilation Edition Volume 1, issues 7-9 by Andrew Bell
rqv1d.dig 31654
RuneQuest Digest Compilation Edition Volume 1, issues 10-12 by Andrew Bell
rulers.txt 4837
Some Real Names of Actual Medieval Rules (for RPG ideas)
sanity.txt 101550
The Complete Guide to Sanity for Fantasy Role-Playing Games
sdl 50863
The Mage to Mage Magical Combat System and Spell Description Language Version 0.75 by Robert M. Reimann (1989)
sexguide.txt 319881
The Complete Guide to AD&D Unlawful Carnal Knowledge by The Guide Creator
song 13658
Collection of Midieval-Based Filk Songs (Parodies)
spacenav.dta 18468
Gurps Data File for Use with the MAKECHAR Creation Program
specfo.txt 3986
Role Playing Information on Special Forces
spel1-3.txt 8805
MAgical Spells of the 1st and 3rd Level
spelbook.txt 127305
A Spellbook of common RPG Spells
spell4-6.txt 9825
Magical Spells of Levels 4-6 for AD&D, by John Marchetti
spell7-9.txt 9877
Magical Spells of Levels 7-9 for AD&D by John Marchetti
spell_sup.txt 5773
Supplement to the Spellweaving System, by Robert Winkel
spellist.txt 44769
List of Spells for AD&D 2nd Edition
spelljam.txt 188346
The Rhyme of the Ancient Spelljammer (Edition 1.1): An Accessory for the Advenced Dungeons and Dragons: by Richard J. Pugh
spellpoints.txt 13660
The Spellpoint System for AD&D by Matt Miller and Mark Morgan
spells.txt 6049
All the Spells for King's Quest III
spellsre.txt 27718
Wizard Spells Revised (November 10, 1994)
spellweaving_v15.txt 21891
Spellweaving v1.5, an Alternative to the AD&D Spell System by Robert Winkel
spelpwrs.txt 47266
List of New Spells and Psionic Powers for TSR's AD&D Game (July, 1992)
sr2cp.txt 10147
Conversion Guidelines: Shadowrun (1st Edition) to Cyberpunk: 2020, by Jordan H. Orzoff
sr_toys.txt 8913
Shadowrun Cybertowys, by Hex Martin (February 10, 1992)
srgame.txt 68353
Shadowrun RPG Campaign information, by Hellefire
srnwbt1.txt 6941
Shadowrun New Biotech Collection #1
srnwbt2.txt 5273
Shadowrun New Biotech Collection 2
srshtt1.txt 5388
Shadowrun: Shamanic Totems Collection 1
srshtt2.txt 4028
Shadowrun: Shamanic Totems Collection 2
ssbjourn.txt 104224
The Secret of the Silver Blades (Soft Documentation by TRSI)
ssbrules.txt 18027
TRSI: Secret of the SIlver Blades Rule Book by Orange Rouge
startrek.txt 109542
The Fantasy Guide to Star Trek by Captain Sulu and Com. Carlson
startrek1996.txt 106106
The Fantasy Guide to Star Trek by Captain Sulu and Com. Carlson (1996 Revision)
stylbook.txt 39061
The Stylebook: Rules, Modifications for Cyberpunk 2020 Draft II
suarch01.txt 40561
Arcane Lore: More Pages from the Arch-Mages, by Scott Waterhouse (1990)
subeast2.txt 14954
Two Hauntingly Good (But Definitely Bad) Undead by Spike Y. Jones (1990)
subeast3.txt 10196
A Weaver of Spells and Disaster, by Ed O'Connell (1990)
sucobra1.txt 38310
A Mechanical Serpent Has no Ecology, After All! By Spike Y. Jones (1990)
sufish01.txt 8082
Send your PCs on a fishing trip they'll always remember by Tim Malto (1991)
sugibber.txt 18443
All talk but no brains, with a bottomless appetite to boot by Nigel D. Findley 1990
suhedge1.txt 36151
Hedge Wizards: The low-level mages who make things work, by Gregg Sharp (1990)
sumonk01.txt 22862
Bonds of Brotherhood: Give your monks a brotherhood--and a purpose in life by Tom Griffith (1990)
survivalcheck.txt 2757
A Survival Check System for AD&D by Greg Howley
survivalcheckv2.txt 3111
A Survival Check System Version 2 by Greg Howley
suscout1.txt 15249
Scouting For New Options: The scout--a "thief" without the thieving by Kim Eastland (1990)
suvampir.txt 43002
The Mind of the Vampire: Role-playing powerful--and "twisted" --undead by Nigel D. Findley (1990)
swordhawk2.txt 125955
The Swordhawk Rules, Second Edition by Adne Brunborg (1996)
system1 41787
The System Version III.4 by Patrick O'Keefe (Alternative Magic System for AD&D)
system2 57611
The System Version 2.1 by Deva Winblood (Alternative Magic System for AD&D) (1992)
system3 2995
A New Way to Go About Spell Memorization by Lei Wang (Alternative Magic System for AD&D) (July 4, 1992)
tech.txt 109557
The Complete Guide to AD&D Technology by Desmond Reid (February 14, 1994)
ultimatebeans.txt 94180
The Ultimate Bag of Beans
vol_1 22403
THe Net.Bardsong Book Volume 1 by Daltrin the Cheerful (Jeff Gostin)
vol_2 18347
The Net.Bardsong.Book Volume 2 by Daltrin the Cheerfil (Jeff Gostin)
weaponquality.txt 3113
Percentile System for Weapon Quality
wfrpinto.txt 462
Introduction to Into the Mages' Coffin by J. Lambregts & F. Lubbers
whthand.txt 85491
FANFICTION: AD&D: The White Hand, by Sydylus
wiz_spel.sol 24692
Some Ideas for Wizard Spells in AD&D by Solinari
wwfwrestling.txt 8633
Alternative W.W.F. Wrestling

There are 300 files for a total of 12,511,302 bytes.