Science Fiction Textfiles

It's almost a natural progression that someone who was interested in expressing themselves through computers would show some amount of interest in science fiction. Science fiction has always tried to push the boundaries of what people know and think about, and that's kind of what you saw in BBSes. Usually, anyway.

What lives in this directory is commentary about science fiction, some amateur writing in the genre, overviews of important events in science finction, and lots and lots and lots of Star Trek.

Description of the Textfile
STARTREKFiles by, about, and tentatively connected to Star Trek
XFILESFiles by, about, and tentatively connected to X-Files
2reality.txt 34008
SCRIPT: Back to Reality, Red Dwarf Series V Episode 6
a-hell0.txt 3678
The Morning After: A Very Short Hellraiser Film
a-z 197969
The Results of the 1985 USENET Science Fiction Poll (September 11, 1985)
acclarke.txt 6925
Books by Arthur C. Clarke as of September 5, 1988
adams.txt 5144
A Biagraphy of Douglas Adams
advice.jok 3050
A Brief Guide on what to do in Science Fiction Situations
alchemy1.asc 46592
Alchemy is Alive and Well, by Hans W. Nintzel
aldissbr.ian 4991
List of Books by Biran Aldiss
alien.faq 29736
Alien, Aliens and Alien 3: Information and Frequently Asked Questions (March 25, 1993)
alien3a.txt 32301
A Synopsis of William Gibson's Original Script for Alien 3
aliens3.txt 73133
The Aliens III Script, by William Gibson
aliensfaq.txt 214920
FAQ: Alien, Aliens and Alien^3 Frequently Asked Question, by Eelko de Vos and Darryll Hobson
alt3.txt 1655
The Plan to Colonize Mars called Alternative 3
alt_sfse.txt 17889
SF and Fantasy Alternate Sexuality Listing
althist.sf 187795
The Alternate History List Version 10 - 27 Apr 1992
anderson.pou 5273
Author Lists: Poul Anderson (November 22, 1988)
apf-6.0 296662
The Annotated Pratchett File Version 6.0 by Leo Breebaart (August 30, 1993)
argon.txt 70334
The Legendary Eye of Argon, the Worst Science Fiction Story Ever, by Jim Theis
arthuria.lis 47106
List of Books that have the Arthurian Legend in them by Cindy Tittle Moore (November 19, 1992)
asimovis.aac 19793
A List of Science Fiction Books by Isaac Asimov (December 2, 1988)
asprinro.ber 3159
A List of Books by Robert Asprin and Lynn Abbey (December 14, 1989)
asterix.ano 93544
The Asterix Annotation 1.0 by Ron Dippold (January 8, 1993)
b5moto.txt 2389
What Would the Cast of Babylon 5 Drive? by Janis Cortese
b5quotes.txt 49704
Collected Quotations from Babylon 5 by Aaron
baddream 10135
FICTION: Bad Dreams, by Melissa Taylor
balanus 19628
FAN FICTION: Star Wars: The Failure of Balanus by Bill Menees
bane_of_ 5869
A Complete Speculation of the Third Episode of Return of the Jedi
berserke.txt 5693
The Berserker: A New Class for AD&D Games
bgsw53 44190
The Bad Guide to Star Wars Version 5.3 by brandon Gillespie (September 28, 1994)
birdsofa 4795
FANFICTION: Birds of a Feather, by Cliff Chen (August, 1994) 33327
FAQ: Blade Runner Frequently Asked Questions v1.0 (January 1993)
bladeru1 120805
Extremely Large Discussion about Blade Runner, the Movie
bladeru2 5224
Someone talks about Seeing the Blade Runner Director's Cut
blaster.txt 2299
How to make a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
booklist.sf 4184
A List of Occult and Witchcraft Books to read.
books.sf 193650
The 1985 Internet Science Fiction Poll Results by Gregory J.E. Rawlins (September 11, 1985)
boskone3.0co 67052
Report on the Boskone 30 Convention by Evelyn C. Leeper (1993)
bradspeech.sf 15066
Speech by Bradley Denton at Armadillocon 16
bsg.sf 25984
The Complete Battlestar Galactica Episode List
bulogstr.txt 162389
Time Line of Space History
cabinfev 59042
FANFICTION: Cabin Fever, or "How I Ruined One Man's Vacation" by qIra julIyan
castle.dat 6862
ASCII Ground Plan for a Castle
catscanf.ive 21003
Bruce Sterling Writes about the Decay of Science Fiction
cerebus.ano 53267
The Annotated Cerebus Version 1.2 by Alexx S. Kay (November 1, 1992)
cerebus.cnc 81883
The Cerebus Concordance v1.2 by Alexx S. Kay (November 1, 1992) 46633
The Cerebus Timeline v1.2 by Alexx S. Kay (November 1, 1992)
cyber90.slf 7502
Cyberspace '9O: Sci-fi writer William Gibson explores the final frontier: Information
cyberfaq 25177
FAQ For Alt.Cyberpunk (September 8, 1994)
cyberlit.txt 6118
CyberLit: William Gibson's latest story costs $450, comes on disk, and self-destructs after one reading. By Gavin Edwards (Details, June '92)
cyberlst 3527
Knatter's List of Cyberpunk Authors and Writing (September 6th, 1994)
cybleary.txt 20538
Cyberpunks, by Dr. Timothy Leary (1987)
cybrpath.txt 30031
Cyberpathy: What it's about in SF
daleks.his 160558
The History of the Daleks (From Dr. Who)
drwho_bo 11813
The Complete Listing of Dr. Who Novels from P. Crossman
drwho_ep 5636
List of Doctor Who Episodes by Jim Thomas (March 17, 1985)
drwho_fa 19347
FAQ: The Rec.Arts.Drwho Frequently Asked Questions List
drwho_gu 21939
Doctor Who Story Guide by Jamie Green and Mark Geary (August 29, 1989)
earth.txt 2677
Earth, by Gavin Greene
elfarmr.txt 4782
Magical Elvish Armor Information for AD&D
episodew.sf 5197
Doctor Who Episode List
esf1 22655
Outer Cyberspace, by Bruce Sterling (June 1992)
eveunplu 10895
FANFICTION: Eve Unplugged by Steven Han (August 12, 1994)
fandom.txt 8054
Welcome to the wonderful world of Tech Fandom Correctness (Sarcastic)
fantasy 11271
FANFICTION: David Fantasy #1 by Julianne Lee
finalscr.sf 34021
Screenplay for Science-Fiction TV Show I don't Know
fireball.add 4278
Creating A Fireball in AD&D
folklore.elf 10026
Elves in Tolkien and Folklore: The development of Elves in Tolkien's Mythology (November 25, 1992)
fordco.hum 10444
A Conversation with John Ford
frostbit 77827
FANFICTION: Frostbite Part I by Peggy Li (September 16, 1994)
galactic.gui 17067
Battlestar Galactica Episode Guide (From the Rutger's SF-Lovers Digest)
gallifre.txt 7433
The Dr. Who Feature Articles, by Apple Avenger: #2: Gallifrey
gandalf.gme 4696
The Complete Guide to Middle-earth / Robert Foster
ghdeitie.txt 7808
Deities of the World of Greyhawk
gibber.txt 12455
The Anti-Gibbering System Created for AD&D by Reid Bluebaugh (1992)
gibsonma 34294
Queen Victoria's Personal Spook, Psychic Legbreakers, Snakes and Catfood: An Interview with William Gibson and Tom Maddox by Darren Wershler-Henry (Fall 1989)
grenhill.sf 1232
The Green Hills of Earth
greyfox 14332
FANFICTION: Grey Fox, by Sarah Stegall
half-ogr.txt 1571
The Half-Ogre: A New Race for AD&D Games
hand_of_ 80087
The Hand of Fate by Brendon Wahlberg (Star Wars Fan Fiction)
hedgehog.txt 4786
The Hedgehog Song, v1.5 Reconstructed by Matthew Crosby and
heinsex.txt 28962
A Large Robert A. Heinlein Bibliography
hell0.txt 3274
The Morning After: A Very Short HELLRAISER Film
hhgtng.txt 9639
FAN FICTION: Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy Class Cruiser by Adrian Roselli
hhgwords.txt 5663
A Listener's Guide to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
histcomp 6456
A History of the Computer Era on Earth, by Vincent B. Navarino, The Year 2795 A.D. (Alien Date)
history1.txt 11183
Milestones in the History of Interstellar Civilization (GOes a little Too Far)
histry.txt 20889
A History of Doctor Who's Universe based on Doctor Who Magazine
hitch.lex 5023
A Listener's and Player's Guide to The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
hnlnbib 71072
A Selected Bibliography of Books and Articles by and About Robert Anson Henlein
holoship.txt 33749
SCRIPT: Red Dwarf Series V Episode 1: Holoship
hugos.lis 16757
Listing of Hugo Awards from 1953-1988
hugos.txt 7786
The Hugo Aware Winning Novels and Nominees (1993)
jewscifi.txt 8918
Jewish Science Fiction, by Ilene Schneider
jms1.txt 32677
Compilation of J. Michael Straczinski Postings about Babylon 5
jms2.txt 32707
Compilation of J. Michael Straczinski Postings about Babylon 5 (Part 2)
jms3.txt 28243
Compilation of J. Michael Straczinski Postings about Babylon 5 (Part 3)
jmsbabylon5.txt 22233
J. Michael Straczynski Leaves the Babylon 5 Newsgroup (1995)
klingon.txt 8984
Klingong as a Second Language from Lynn Van Matre (March 13, 1993)
laughter.dsc 1756
The Laughter Monster: A New Monster for AD&D Games
lich.txt 5179
How to Become a Lich? (AD&D Information)
lis.sf 41088
The Complete Lost in Space Episode Guide
lisepi.txt 36101
Lost in Space Episode Fuide
madalien.txt 2155
What Would REALLY Happen If Extraterrestials Came to Earth Today
magicite.txt 37512
List of Completely Useless Magic Items
mccoy.txt 1822
Dr. McCoy's Sayings: "I'm a doctor, not a ...."
novel.txt 17425
A Science Fiction BlabNovel-From DATANET Ripped off and edited by The Slipped Disk
ol.sf 8192
The Outer Limits Episode Guide
poll2res.txt 8081
OMNI Opinion Poll Results: Predictions for 2007
ql_0493.txt 48228
Quantum Leap List of Lists by Mark Holtz (April 7, 1993)
ql_1193.txt 49814
Quantum Leap List of Lists by Mark Holtz (November 7, 1993)
ql_drink.txt 9894
The Official Usenet Quantum Leap Drinking Game (August 31, 1993)
ql_primr.txt 9032
The "Quantum Leap" Primer by Sally Smith, 1992
rhps.sng 43154
All the Lyrics/Words to Rocky Horror Picture Show
rhsongs.txt 24275
The Rocky Horror Picture Show lyrics by Bloodguard Brin (With special lyrics from "Super heroes" and "Science Fiction/Double Feature Reprise) Lifted from Proton 415-831-3410 and Edited by Bill Pollock a.k.a. Voodoo Chicken
robotech.txt 45421
Robotech Chronology (1999-2035) by Edmund K.S. Woo
rose.1 11869
Fragments of a hologram Rose by William Gibson
rphsthea.txt 32001
Rocky Horror Theater List (October 15, 1993)
rtech_ch.txt 65931
The ROBOTECH Chronology reposted and edited by Pat J Conley (November 30, 1992)
sauron.gme 8066
Complete Information about Sauron from Middle Earth
scifi.txt 61964
Collection of Science Fiction Alternat Histories: (Version 2, May 24, 1991)
sfmusic.txt 156159
Science Fiction References in Music (February 1994)
skeptic.bib 14688
Scientists Confront Pseudoscience: A Bibliography for Librarians, Fall 1990
sng_mst3.txt 58085
Collection of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Songs (October 1993)
sp-1999.gui 13410
EPISODE GUIDE: Space: 1999 by Chad Fogg from the Rutgers SF-Lovers Digest
star-bla.gui 15868
EPISODE GUIDE: Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Star Blazers) Version 3.0 by Jeffrey M. Delano (1991)
starryst 4963
FANFICTION: Starry Stakeout, by Rhoda Miel
swwars.jok 60272
Software Wars, a Parody Written by Mark Crispin (1978)
t-damvar.txt 10721
RP: TORG Damage Variables
t-drama.txt 5484
RP: TORG Cards: Quick Reference
t-drone.txt 3002
RP: TORG Drone Statistics
t-guns.txt 9793
RP: New Weapons for TORG
t-new-ws.txt 12264
RP: A New Weird Science System for TORG by the Warmonger, 1991
t-planes.txt 7282
RP: Modern Aircraft for TORG
tachyon1.asc 21340
Tachyon Fields by Dr. Hans A. Nieper (The Symposium on Energy Technology in Hannover, November 27 and 28, 1980)
tachyon2.asc 34080
The Tachyon Field: Description from 1982
tech_gde.txt 102961
The Complete Guide to AD&D Technology by Reid Bluebaugh (1992)
theoedip 59440
FANFICTION: The Oedipal Complex by SciNut (Karen D. Enriquez)
tilt.txt 19881
Science Fiction Erotica (Tilt) by Nikolai Kingsley (1995)
titstard.hum 8695
Barney Badass' B-Files #4: Whofile #1 1931
Quick Overview of J.R.R. Tolkien
troller.dsc 2590
Some New Monsters for AD&D
twzone.sf 72960
The Complete Twilight Zone Episode Guide
uti-lang.txt 2699
The Language of the Primitive Planet Zorandar, by Monique Baptiste
vm-paris.txt 164446
Instructions to Paris by Night, by Vampire: The Masquerade
vm_cyber 3729
What is the Nature of Cyberspace? By Justic McHale
vm_multi 6877
Multiple Fiction and Multiple Worlds, by Justin McHale
watchmen.cro 6548
Watchmen: A Chonology (1938-1985) by Alan Moore and Ray Winninger
whitehan.txt 88057
Discussion of "The White Hand" (Role Playing Game)
who-slut.txt 31026
Companion Analysis (Updated: 26 Jul, 1990) by Nyssa ("Doctor Who" Companions)
whob1.txt 4295
I Felt Like the Pied Piper, by William Hartnell (Dr. Who Interview)
whob2.txt 3454
Dr. Who Indulged my Passion for Clowning, by Patrick Troughton (October 1982)
whob3.txt 4116
I saw the Doctor as an Interplanetary Crusader, by Jon Pertwee
whob4.txt 4691
I Liked Doctor Who Because it was Fun Fun Fun! By Tom Baker
whob5.txt 4660
I Thought I was To Play the Doctor by Peter Davidson
whobooks.sf 3099
Complete list of Dr. Who Books
worst20.txt 19575
The Twenty Worst Science Fiction Movies, by Brian Rose [76576,3053]
wrldfant.txt 10637
World Fantasy Awards from 1975-1992
yesterda.txt 6495
Yesterday's Enterprise and Tasha Yar Explained (March 30, 1992)

There are 158 files for a total of 5,120,252 bytes.
There are 2 directories.