Stories and Fiction

Given than BBSes were an unlimited potential of cross-country publishing, it's no wonder that hundreds of would-be authors took it upon themselves to fill file directories with fiction, prose, and poetry. In the first few years, you normally had stories that were being told with a specific purpose, such as to bring awareness to an important issue of self-expression or computers. But as time went on, and there was more space available, you could see all sorts of literary work make itself known. There were even a few BBSes dedicated to nothing but fiction and writing.

Also buried here are transcriptions of old fables or stories, dating back who knows how many decades.

Direct transcriptions of classic novels and stories are generally located in the Electronic Text section.

Description of the Textfile
FARNONThe Stories of Tristan Farnon
SREThe Solar Realms Elite, by Josh Renaud
100west.txt 20839
Going 100 West by 53 North by Jim Prentice (1990)
13chil.txt 8457
The Story of the Sly Fox
14.lws 5261
A Smart Bomb with a Language Parser
16.lws 15294
Two Guys in a Garage, by M. Pshota
17.lws 10853
The Early Days of a High-Tech Start-up are Magic (November 18, 1991) by M. Peshota
18.lws 26624
The Couch, the File Cabinet, and the Calendar, by M. Peshota (December 9, 1991)
19.lws 17902
Engineering the Future of American Technology by M. Peshota (January 5, 1992)
20.lws 13588
What Research and Development Was Always Meant to Be, by M. Peshota
3gables.txt 33985
The Adventure of the Three Gables
3lpigs.txt 5403
The Story of the 3 Little Pigs
3sonnets.vrs 2433
A Collection of Sonnets by Staeorra Rokraven (March 9, 1989)
3student.txt 36368
The Adventure of the Three Students
3wishes.txt 4351
The Story of the Three Wishes
4moons.txt 15702
Fiction: The 4 Moons of Death
5orange.txt 40995
The Story of the Five Orange Pips
6ablemen.txt 6948
The Story of the Six Able Men
6napolen.txt 46478
The Adventure of the Six Napoleons
7oldsamr.txt 2753
The Seven Old Samurai
7voysinb.txt 40792
The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor
ab40thv.txt 11850
The Story of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves
abbey.txt 50426
The Adventure of the Abbey Grange (RP Story)
abyss.txt 6558
How life goes on at the edge of Abyss
adler.txt 12778
The Chronicles of Astrus II: Father Adler by Ben Blumenberg
adv_alad.txt 9908
The Adventures of Aladdin
advsayed.txt 10019
Sayed's Adventures
advtthum.txt 4373
The Adventures of Tom Thumb
aesop11.txt 229320
Aesop's Fables Translated by George Fyler Townsend
aesopa10.txt 66376
Aesop's Fables (84 of Them) from The PaperLess Readers Club
aircon.txt 2517
The Air Conditioning Story
aisle.six 4736
Aisle Six, by Morpheous of LOM
aislesix.txt 4815
Aisle Six, by Morpheous, an LOM Release
alad10.txt 29051
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp
alissadl.txt 2169
The Fable of Ali and the Sultan's Saddle
altside.hum 29231
Alternate Side of the Street; Screenplay by Jeff Massie
aluminum.hum 11596
An Aluminum Can A Day, by Carl Mitchell
aminegg.txt 1987
The Fable of Amin and the Eggs
angelfur.hum 13376
Angel's Fur, by Piper Sickles
angry_ca.txt 6648
Cliff-Hanger, a Poem
antcrick.txt 2035
The Fable of the Ant and the Cricket
aquith.txt 50520
My Lord Aquith: Novella by Yves Barbero
arcadia.sty 64484
Arcadia, a Story
archive 163840
A Collection of Various Good Stories
arctic.txt 30964
The Arctic Circle and Beyond, by Jim Prentice (1990)
asop 2037
Updating Aesop, or The Old Lady and the Crypt or Blood
assorted.txt 12535
FICTION: Yahoo! The Ohio VOW has The Bomb by Gregory S. Swann (1986) 5888
Bagel Man, by Aldebaran of 11th Hour Productions
bagelman.txt 5892
Bagel-Man, by Aldebaran of 11th Hour Productions
batlslau.txt 101404
Collection of Additional Rules for Battletech, by Matt Murphy
beast.asc 52273
A Collection of Fiction about The Beast
beautbst.txt 7543
The Story of Beauty and the Beast
beggars.txt 118389
The Beggar's Opera, by John Gay, 1728
bern 2615
The Adventures of Bert and Bernece, by Francis U. Kaltenbaugh
berternie.txt 3967
How Ernie and Bert Came to Be, by 11th Hour Productions
bestwish 2867
FICTION: My Best Wish
beyond.hum 9789
Before the Beyond, by Dallas Vordahl
bgb.txt 3578
Beaver Gone Bad! A mini-manuscript by Pete Stocton and Baron Von Crash
bgcspoof.txt 20361
Mega-Yonkers 2038 : The Story of Knight Foils: Bubble Gum Cards, by Ryan Mathews, January 1992
bigred.hum 10356
Big Red Riding Cape
bishop00.txt 83681
Pyramid Scheme, by Douglas M. Warren, 1993
blabnove.hum 43263
The Super Blab Novel, from Datanet
blabnove.txt 43182
Super Blabnovel-A continuing saga on DATANET
blackp.txt 45211
The Adventure of Black Peter
blackrdr 4148
A Few Words About The Black Rider (German Literature)
blak 9951
Lunch in the Park, by Francis U. Kaltenbaugh
blasters.fic 1882
Blasters to the Ready! By William E. Collins
blh.txt 18604
The Birdlover's Holiday, by Andrew P. Varga
blind.txt 7108
Blind Sight, by Lyn Nichols, August 1993
blossom.pom 1287
Little Quaint list of Funny Names to Tell a story.
blue 21423
Soldier Blue, by Rick Arnold
bluebrd.txt 7026
bookem.1 8735
Boom 'Em Issue #1 (1995)
bookem2 10620
Book 'Em Issue #2 (1995)
bookem3 15585
Book 'Em Issue #3 (1995)
brain.damage 13472
Brain Damage, by Howard I Cannon, 1979
bram 3835
Brambles, by Gordon Chapman
bran 6914
Branded, by John R. Hillman, Jr.
breaks1.asc 151858
Breaks: The Adventures of Richard Nixon in the 21st Century, by Philip H. Farber (1992-1993)
breaks2.asc 143725
Breaks: The Adventures of Richard Nixon in the 21st Century, by Philip H. Farber (1992-1993)
breaks3.asc 106680
Breaks: The Adventures of Richard Nixon in the 21st Century, by Philip H. Farber (1992-1993)
bruce-p.txt 61792
The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans
buggy.txt 4376
Buggy, by Andrew P. Varga (1991)
buldetal.txt 5395
Details, a story by The Martyr
buldream.txt 12089
Dreamworld, by Zaphod Beeblebrox
bulfelis.txt 12474
A Story for Cat Lovers
bulhuntr.txt 19995
The Hunter, the Hunted, a story by G. Daniel Flower
bulironb.txt 11842
Story: Iron Man
bullove.txt 4136
Three Paragraphs: Excertps from Something
bulmrx.txt 57265
They Don't Come Any Larger: The Continuing Adventures of Mr. X.
bulnland.txt 7517
A New Land, by Vengeance
bulnoopt.txt 7502
No Options Left, by G. Daniel Flower
bulolli1.txt 3960
The Ill-Fated Voyages of Cap'n Roger, by Julius M. Brown (1989)
bulolli2.txt 3383
The Adventures of Cap'n Roger (Part 2)
bulphrek.txt 47098
A Phreak Encounter (Story)
bulprint.txt 33768
Prints of the City, by G. Daniel Flower
bulwer.lytton 5737
It was a dark and stormy night (The Best of the Bulwer-Lytton Contest)
bulzork1.txt 24576
The Zorker's Story (Story)
bumm 12194
Bummers by Thomas Nevin Huber
bureau.txt 158330
The Bureau of Procuration (Story)
burintrv.66 15275
Interview with William S. Burroughs (1966)
burintrv.78 12183
William S. Burroughs: A Sketch (July 1978)
burintrv.92 26710
Which is the Fly and Which is the Human? (Interview with William S. Burroughs and David Cronenberg 1992, Equire Magazine
burltrs 2232
The Letters of William S. Burroughs (1945-1959) by Oliver Harris
burn 2598
The Burn: A Synopsis by Michael C. McPherson
cabin.txt 2339
The Cabin, by Adam Poszar (1991)
cameloto.hum 1956
Some aborted attempt at a screenplay, maybe
campfire.txt 2786
The Best Campire Story of the Week: Do you have a B.C.?
candle.hum 19409
The Wind, The Cold, The Candle, by Walter Hawn
cardcnt.txt 39098
Accounting for the Cards by H. R. Valimaa
ccm.txt 2233
The Fable of the Cock, the Cat, and the Mouse
charlie.txt 21045
Cosmic Charlie by Colin Campbell
chik 9990
City Chicken, by D. M. Hanna
clevdonk.txt 1968
The Donkey that Thought He Was Clever
clon 22943
Clones to us! By Thomas Nevin Huber
cmoutmou.txt 3634
The Story of The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse
comp 11016
Computers N' Me, by Rich Griebel 2469
Conflict, by Jason Scott
consumdr.hum 23989
Consumated Dreams, by Melanie Martin Vessels
contrad1.hum 1397
Contradiction 1, by Rick Brunet
cooldark.sto 146795
Cool Darkness: A Cyberpunk Novel by Matthew Carpenter
cooldark.txt 146795
STORY: Cool Darkness, by Matthew Carpenter
corcor.hum 40142
Corcoran, by Bruce Drake
cow.exploder 7552
The Story of the Cow Exploder by CKE Enterprises (1984)
crabhern.txt 2181
The Story of the Crab and the Heron
crazy.hum 65666
Crazy Glue, a Novel by Jerry Slaff
cum 6757
Come Into my World by Thomas NEvin Huber 4096
Curious Georgie by The Penguin of SubZero AE
cybersla.txt 415872
Book: Revolt of the Cyberslaves, by Lawrence Dworin (1991)
dakota.txt 151783
Rifts World Book: North Dakota by Sean Satterlee
dan 15266
Made for Dancing, by Charles Bell
darkness.txt 217124
The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad 6784
A Day in McDonaldland by G.I. Joe of DETAC (June 10, 1986)
deal 10658
Dealer, by Robbie D. Whiting
deathmrs.d 5163
The Death of Ms. D, by William S. Burroughs
deer.txt 4295
The Deer, by Andrew P. Varga (1992)
descent.poe 39201
A Descent into the Maelstrom
diaryflf.txt 47512
The Diary of the Swarves
dicegame.txt 9367
Guide to Dice Games of Dungeons and Dragons by Reid Bluebaugh
dicksong.txt 8192
A Manly Wager by Lucillus and a Heaping of Testosterone 3840
Disco Can By Fun, by Aldebaran of 11th Hour Productions
discocanbefun.txt 3921
Disco Can Be Fun by Aldebaran of 11th Hour Productions
domain.poe 36642
The Domain of Arnheim
dopedenn.txt 8887
The Story of Dopey Dennis
dskool.txt 84178
Dream School: A Novella
dtruck.txt 8862
Dad's Pickup, by Andrew P. Varga
dwar 4602
Dwarf, by Jeroen Van Drie 109637
Fiction: Alex
elveshoe.txt 2683
The Elves and the Shoemaker
emperor3.txt 8704
The Emperor's Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy
empnclot.txt 6198
The Emperor's New Clothes
empsjowk.txt 7474
The Empress Jowka
empty.txt 48849
The Adventure of the Empty House
enc 12888
Encoded in Strands, by Gay Bost
encamp01.txt 4096
Saturday Night at the Shindar Encampment by Lucillus
enchdup.hum 95232
The Enchanted Duplicator, by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw
enginer.txt 46035
The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb
enya_trn.txt 27011
English Translations of _The Celts_, _Watermark_, and _Shepherd Moons_, by Enya
excerpt.hum 5589
The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death
excerpt.txt 6036
A Relevant Excerpt from "The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death", by Daniel Manus Pinkwater.
eyeargon.hum 70912
The Eye of Argon, by Jim Theis
ezoff 14835
EZ Work, by Gay Bost
fable.txt 12199
The Fable, by Ben Blumenberg
fantas.hum 10454
Pricilla, the Trout Princess, by Gerald E. Gregg
fantasy.hum 16428
The Blab Fantasy Novel
fantasy.txt 16347
The Blab Fantasy novel-Ripped off and edited by The Slipped Disk
fea1 4130
Hula Hoops and Tinker Toys by Nancy VanWormer (1995)
fea2 6766
Waterlogged Klingons by L. Shawn Aiken (1994)
fea3 3111
Survey Results, by Joe DeRouen (1994)
fear.hum 6750
Fear of Growing Old
fearmnky 1309
Fear and the Monkey (A Ouija Board Poem) by William S. Burroughs (1984)
fgoose.txt 75471
A List of Father Good Stories
fic1 46084
Beacons of Light, by L. Shawn Aiken (1995)
fic2 36396
Experiment, by Ed Davis (1993)
fic3 23996
Ouija Warning, by Ed Davis (1993)
fic4 14549
A Close Encounter of a Different Kind, by Sylvia L. Ramsey (1993)
fic5 31809
The Imp, by Ed Davis (1993)
fic7 12410
A Chance Meeting in the Park, by Joe DeRouen
fish.txt 2725
Once There Was a Fish by Doug Rosentrater
fleas.txt 3120
Fleas: A Story, by Adam Poszar (1991)
flktrp.txt 7320
Flak Trap (Story) by Brendan Meara (Juanry 18, 1995)
floc 19364
Matriarchal Shepherd by Marc Edwards
floobs.txt 5126
The Cube of Shalube...By Dr. Muess (June 24, 1989)
flute.txt 3038
The Spirit and the Flute (How Flutes Relate to History)
flytrunk.txt 2007
The Story of the Flying Trunk
forgotte 77918
Forgotten Souls by CAC/The Stinker
fourth.fic 3815
Another Fourth of July, by Jeff Epstein
fowl.death 3328
Fowl Death by Nuclear Deth (April 7, 1987)
foxncrow.txt 2179
The Story of the Fox and the Crow
foxngrap.txt 2368
The Story of the Fox and the Grapes
foxnstrk.txt 2079
The Story of the Fox and the Stork
fran 13488
Cheese or These? By Francis U. Kaltenbaugh
fred.txt 13304
The Story of Fred.
freeman.fil 11352
The Last Free Man, by Francis W. Porretto
friend.s 6855
Man's Best Friend, by Marty Weiss
friends.txt 76566
Friends: A Story
frogp.txt 5311
The Story of the Frog Prince, by Andrew Varga
frum 4219
The Story of Ronald Frump, by Dave Bealer
game.txt 10638
The Game, by Suki
gatherng.txt 10397
Collection of Poetry by David Fox (1990)
gay 10523
A Collection of Poetry by Gay Bost (1994)
gemdra.txt 4479
The Story of the Dragons of Gems
ghost 16110
Time for Flowers, by Gay Bost
girl 14273
Dream Girl by Melina Huddy
girlclub.txt 52403
The Girl of the Month Club by Colin Campbell
glimpse1.txt 3056
A Glimpse Into My Mind at 12:45pm, by Sean M. Gomez (1993)
gloves.txt 1679
Oops! There was a little messup with the christmas gift!
gold3ber.txt 5558
The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears
goldbug.poe 78372
The Gold Bug, by Poe
goldenp.txt 49790
The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez
goldfish.txt 4948
The Little Gold Fish
goldgoos.txt 5003
The Tale of the Golden Goose
grav 22515
Memory Cemetery, by Gay Bost
graymare.txt 3211
Nightmare in Grey by Fredric Brown
greatlrn.leg 18458
The Great Learning: The Text of Confucious
greedog.txt 897
The Parable of the Greedy Dog
gulliver.txt 708064
Gulliver's Travels, by Johnathan Swift (1726)
hansgrtl.txt 6981
The Fable of Hansel and Gretel
hareleph.txt 1696
The Fable of the Hare and the Elephant
hareporc.txt 4044
The Fable of the Hare and the Porcupine
haretort.txt 2271
The Fable of the Hare and the Tortoise
healer.txt 16935
The Soul Healer: A Story by Ben Blumenberg
hell4.txt 5983
Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade (A Story)
hellmach.txt 110143
The Hell Machine, by James C. Lynn (1990)
helmfuse.txt 2122
Ashtray and Gherkin (Helmet Fusion Specialists)
hils 15359
The Hills of Commerce, by Marilyn Hutchings
history5.txt 140322
The Slopes of Te Aroha
hitch2.txt 330566
Complete Transcription of Douglas Adams' "Restaurant at the End of the Universe"
hitch3.txt 327595
Complete Transcription of Douglas Adams' "Life, the Universe and Everything"
hole2nar.txt 3229
The Hole THat Was Too Narrow
holmesbk.txt 29749
The Holmes List: A List of Books That Reference or Discuss Sherlock Holmes
home.fil 7151
The Homecoming, by Francis W. Porretto of Horse Feathers BBS
hop-frog.poe 21472
The Story of Hop Frog
horsdonk.txt 2344
The Horse and the Donkey
horswolf.txt 2085
The Horse and the Wolf
hotline1.txt 3243
Hotline! by James Zachary
hotline3.txt 3000
Hotline! Part III, by James Zachary
hotline4.txt 3144
Hotline! Part IV, by James Zachary
hound-b.txt 328031
The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
how.ernie.bert 3968
how Ernie and Bert Came to Be by 11th Hour Productions
idi.hum 19923
The First Adventures of IDI
igiv 18304
I Give Up, by Thomas Nevin Huber
imagin.hum 11169
Just Imagine: A Story
immortal 12264
Immortality by William S. Burroughs
immorti.hum 18491
Immorti, by Todd Rich
imonly17.txt 3590
Please, God, I'm Only 17... by the Elite Executives
inter 16939
Submerged Interface, by Gay Bost
island.poe 11922
The Island of the Fay
jackbstl.txt 9475
The Story of Jack and the Beanstalk
jackmac.fic 14134
Jackmac's Discovery by Jeff Epstein
jaynejob.asc 6158
Be a Clerk All My Life? Not Me!
jerichms.hum 5851
Bricks In The Wall, by M.D. Roccatani
jim.asc 1612
The Book of Jim
keeping.insanit 9856
Keeping Insanity in the Closet, by The Weatherman (April 13th, 1988)
keepmodu.txt 88567
Odnaar Keep by David M. Millstein
kharian.txt 8459
The Legends of the Kharianians
kneeslapper 1024
Kneeslapper by Slafathor (July 23, 1991)
kneeslapper.txt 1051
Kneeslapper by Slagathor (July 23, 1991)
knuckle.txt 23202
The Story of Knucklebones
korea.s 16019
The Furry Orphan of War
kzap.txt 10120
KZAP's Psychedelic Sunday
ladylust.hum 3794
I have no idea where this came from or where it's going.
lament.txt 7123
Offender E477439's Lament
lgoldbrd.txt 1982
The Fable of the Little Golden Bird
life.txt 867
Notes towards a story
lil 13764
A Letter to Lillian by Gay Bost
lionbird 6605
Lionbirds, by MArtin R. Crim (1994)
lionmane.txt 40548
The Adventure of the Lion's Mane
lionmosq.txt 1892
The Fable of the Lion and the Mosquito
lionwar.txt 1749
The Lion Goes to War (Fable)
lmermaid.txt 12445
The Fable of the Little Mermaid
lmtchgrl.txt 3215
The Little Matchgirl
long1-3.txt 73544
The Longest Distance by D.W. Boynton (1992)
lpeargrl.txt 4417
The Little Pear Girl: A Story
lrrhood.txt 5738
The Story of Little Red Riding Hood
ltp 20325
Liberty Tree Pub: Her Honour, by D. M. Hanna
luf 2691
Luffing, by Ron Fleshman
lure.txt 25546
The Lure of the Temptress (Soft Documentation)
mario.txt 5696
MARIO, by Archer Blue: A Short History of Mario
mattress.txt 13120
Once Upon a Mattress, by Nikolai Kingsley, 1995
mazarin.txt 32321
The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone
mcdonaldl.txt 6879
A Day in McDonaldland by G.I. Joe (June 10, 1986)
melissa.txt 6509
Melissa and the Green Dragon
mike.txt 712
An Ode to Mike, by Alien
mindprob.txt 12069
Mind Probe, by Michael Abbot
mindwar 5424
Mind War by William S. Burroughs
missing.txt 45497
The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter (A story)
modemhippy.txt 2604
Modem Hippy: A Poem by Morpheous of LOM
monkking.txt 2703
The Story of the Monkey King
monksol.txt 16278
The Secret of Monkey Island Unvield by SYNDICATE
mouslion.txt 1957
The Story of the Mouse and the Lion
mtinder.txt 5057
The Story of the Magic Tinderbox
musgrave.txt 42029
The Musgrave Ritual (Story)
musibrem.txt 3579
The Musicians of Bremen
mydream.txt 2798
Someone Talks About Some Weird Dreams He Has
myeyes 2304
Poem: Through My Eyes
narciss.txt 1383
The Story of Narcissus
nigel.1 4725
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog
nigel.10 16096
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog 10 (July 6, 1989)
nigel.2 9431
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog 2 (May 25, 1989)
nigel.3 9668
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog 3 (June 2, 1989)
nigel.4 8845
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog 4 (June 2, 1989)
nigel.5 6722
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog 5 (June 12, 1989)
nigel.6 9980
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog 6 (June 12, 1989)
nigel.7 8226
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog 7 (june 17, 1989)
nihgel_8.9 16339
The Saga of Nigel the Hedgehog 8 and 9
nitepeek.sto 14156
"Peek in the Night" by Night Words
non2 2963
Musings by Joe DeRouen (1993)
non3 2525
If I Had One Wish... by L.J. Herbert (1993)
non4 8370
A Panacea for Cheezy Movies by L. Shawn Aiken
obstgoat.txt 869
The Tale of the Obstinate Goats
omarsheh.txt 8280
The Fable of Prince Omar and Princess Sheherazade
outcast.dos 216738
The Outcast, by Winwood Reade, 1933
oxfrog.txt 1869
The Fable of the Ox and the Frog
paink-ws.txt 23093
Painkiller, by William Slattery
panama.txt 5775
An Author Argues with his Main Character
parotsha.txt 7664
The Story of the Parrot Shah
partya.txt 9982
What happened on the Friday last October
paul_har.sto 3226
Paul Harvey's List of True Real Stories 653
Vision of Peace on Earth
pepdegener.txt 4462
Pepsi Degeneration by Morpheous of LOM
pepsi.degenerat 4480
Pepsi Degeneration by Morpheous of LOM
perf 35939
Picture Perfect, by Roberta Belinda
pinocch.txt 19116
The Story of Pinocchio
piracy.sto 19929
Arrr! The Pirates have arrived!
plescopm.txt 6408
Asleep by Craig Plesco
poem-1.txt 1760
Poetry: A Song of Love (October 25, 1993)
poem-2.txt 1713
Poetry: Broken Heats, by Kylis Noren (October 19, 1993)
poem-4.txt 1192
Poetry: "An Ode to Death" - By Us! (October 19, 1993)
poplstrm.txt 4202
The Fable of the Poplar and the Stream
pphamlin.txt 4524
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
pregn.txt 10025
Pregnant Pause by Dorothy Lindman 3643
The Princess vs. the Principal, by Marc Perkel
progx 4891
Programmer X, by Greg Borek
psf.txt 5284
The Peasant, the Snake, and the Fox
psi 34432
Psicop, by Jack Hillman
psyc 9382
Psyche and Cupid: A Theory, by Dr. Harold Levdahed
pussboot.txt 6174
The Story of Puss in Boots
qcarroll 1464
How Sailor Ted Got Out of It
quarter.c1 6852
The Plan, by Shannon Carraher (Part 1)
quarter.c10 7379
Tea Time with the Devil, by Brant Swancer
quarter.c11 1322
I Spoke with the Sun, by Caroline Kennedy (And Other Poems)
quarter.c12 4240
Welcome to the Planet of Kampf, by Jim Zachary
quarter.c13 12942
The Mission, by Jon Lang
quarter.c14 5757
Leftover Stew, by Patrick Barnes
quarter.c15 1281
My Father and Me, by Mike Russello
quarter.c16 598
Under the Weeping Willow Tree, by Patrick Miner
quarter.c17 7438
Blind Fate, by Toby Bradley
quarter.c18 5955
Bearing Down, by John Dudley
quarter.c19 4636
Hometown Ways, by Amy Slavin
quarter.c2 6990
Remembering, by Kristin Feyen
quarter.c3 18023
The Quarantine, by Moses Domingo
quarter.c4 280
A Savage Projectile, by Steve Gaines
quarter.c5 1640
Peel Me Away, by Bill DeClercq
quarter.c6 214
Little White Lines, by Joe Raymundo
quarter.c7 1306
At Midnight, by Karin Johnson
quarter.c8 12726
The Singer in the Depths by Steven Myers
quarter.c9 1561
The Rose, by Suzy Edmonson
quest 128319
The Quest for Axe of the Dwarven Lords by Bruce RW. Reisman
quickfix 1291
Quick Fix, by William S. Burroughs
quot 3388
A Collection of Quotes by Poets about Poetry
radar_ra.txt 302831
Interview with the Radar Ranger: A Work of Fiction by D. Railleur
rainda.txt 16946
Rain Dance (Mechwarrior Fan Fiction) by Douglas M. Warren
reality.txt 5761
The Reality of Our Situation by Kortron
reap 15152
The Reaper, by Gay Bost
redragon.txt 2563
The Fable of the Red Dragon
retrib.txt 16581
Retribution by Andrew Varga (1991)
rid.txt 895
Getting Rid of the Riddler, by Alien
robotech 233001
Book Excerpt: Protoculture and the Children of the Shadow (Robotech)
rock 11383
Rock, by D.M. Hanna
rocket.sf 215959
The Space Saga of "Rocket" Roger Robinson (Story)
roger1.txt 44564
In Residence by KaRylin
running.txt 49286
Story: Running
s&m_plot 8839
The Plot Thickens: A Writer's Dream, by Cecilio Morales
s&m_that 6465
John's Diner: Who Was The Guy? By Lucia Chambers
safe 9163
Safe Place: A Synopsis, by Michael C. McPherson
sanpedr2.txt 7322
The Fruit of the Gods: Trichoserus Pachanoi
shoscomb.txt 34558
The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place
shrdfarm.txt 4775
A Shrewd Farmer's Story (Fable)
shulk.txt 17152
The Fable of the Hunter and the Hunted
sick-kid.txt 319013
The Sick Kids: Story by Roger M. Wilcox
sight.txt 10173
Story about Jamie, badly formatted
silverb.txt 54159
Silver Blaze (Story)
sis 9780
Sister Mary Agnes by Gay Bost
sleprncs.txt 6014
The Sleeping Princess (Fable)
snow.txt 12351
Story about Ed, again badly formatted
snowmaid.txt 1838
The Fable of the Snow Maiden
snowqn1.txt 4597
The Fable of the Snow Queen
social.vikings 6784
Social Vikings by Flat Tire (August 5, 1988)
socialvikings.txt 6845
Social Vikings by The Flat Tire (August, 1988)
solitary.txt 43869
The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist
space.txt 5551
Space Travel by Adam Poszar (1990)
spam.key 7296
The Key and I, or, My Travels in the Sky, and What I Found There, by Padre Martini, Archdukebishop of West Texas
spectacl.poe 55113
The Spectacles, by Edgar Allen Poe
spider.txt 4042
The World's Fastest Spider, by Andrew Varga (1991)
spiders.txt 8217
Story about Harvey and Spiders
sqzply.txt 60800
Squeeze Play, by Michael A. Stackpole (1989)
sre-dark.txt 33666
SRE's Darker Half, by Chris Trendle, Paul Gerth and Robert Chapman
stainles.ana 3247
A Cool 3.7 Million, by The Stainless Steal Rat
stairdre.txt 5130
The Stiarway Dram, by Satinka Istari
startrek.txt 8473
Startrek, The Ultimate Story!
stsgreek 9245
It's All Greek to uncle Thaddeus, by Joe DeRouen (1993)
sucker.txt 3813
The Dark Sucker, by Quantum Mechanic
sunday.txt 2456
Sunday, by Nanci (February 20, 1993)
superg1 50938
The Story of SUPERGUY!!
szechuan 4599
The Szechuan Taxi, by Dave Bealer
t_zone.jok 9046
Story: Mission Impossible Meets the Twilight Zone
tailbear.txt 2695
The Tail of the Bear: A Fable
tao3.dos 52914
The Tao Te Ching, translated by James Legge
taxnovel.txt 47601
Back Taxes, a Novel by Paul Mahler (1991-1992)
tcoa.txt 13216
The Cask of Amontilado, by Edgar Allan Poe
tctac.txt 2301
The Cockroach that Ate Cincinatti (Poem)
tearglas.txt 31407
Tears of Glass by Kimberly Ann Carter (1992)
telefone.txt 3405
The Telephone Rape Story
terrorbears.txt 4816
The Terror Bears on the Rampage by Darkside 414
testpilo.hum 16609
Test Pilot, Story by John Vornholt
textfile.primer 6528
The Ramsacker's Textfile Primer by The Ramsacker of Pieces of Eight (July 27, 1989)
thanksg 1415
A Thanksgiving Prayer, by William S. Burroughs
the-tree.txt 558
The Tree: A Poem
thewave 14240
The Navajo and the Bhuddist (October 19, 1992)
timem.hac 185134
The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells (1898)
times.fic 14479
Times Doubles Defect; Publisher Possibly Plinked by Jean Blevins
timetrav.txt 9375
The Problem with Time Travel (Story)
tin 2795
Tinned Warmth by Gordon Chapman
tinsoldr.txt 6944
The Tin Soldier (Story)
toilet.s 1965
My Toilet, my Kingdom, by Bill Luby (1994)
traitor.txt 1135
Treason, by Marcus Tullius Cicero
tree.txt 3540
Kevin and the Tree
tuc_mees 6372
The Ed Meese Commission presents Pornography Masquerading as Literature, by Tess Truehard and Gurn Blanston
uglyduck.txt 4683
The Fable of the Ugly Duckling
unluckwr.txt 4128
The Fable of the Unlucky Warrior
vaincrow.txt 2645
The Parable of the Vain Crow
vainsong.txt 10925
A Manly Wager, a Song by Lucillus
valen 14686
Valentine, Story by George Willard
vampword.txt 1108
A Vampyre's Words: Poem
vday.hum 11086
The Valentine's Day Blues, by B.A. Nilsson
veiledl.txt 24615
The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger
vgilante.txt 671603
The Vigilante 1924
The Wall, from Karl L. Sandwell-Weiss 1757
Poem by David Redish, The Wanderer
weaver.txt 4411
Infromation about Spellweavers
weeprncs.txt 5363
The Weeping Princess
whgdsreg.reg 7570
Introduction to the Neolithic Great Goddess, by Ben Blumenberg (February 12, 1992)
wisteria.txt 64414
The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge
withdraw.cyb 13668
My Living Semi-Hell Type Experience Thing, by Urethris, 1992
wlgirl.txt 8127
The Story of the Wise Little Girl
wolf7kid.txt 5786
The Wolf and the Seven Kids
wolfcran.txt 2366
The Wolf and the Crane
wolflamb.txt 1767
The Wolf and the Lamb
wombat.und 2320
The Story of the Wombat, from Floyd Gecko
write 2695
The Three Golden Rules of Poetry by Michael Howard
wrt 19047
The Writer by Thomas Nevin Huber
yukon.txt 76563
The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses by Robert W. Service
zombies.txt 61632
Zombies by Suzanne L. McAllister (Spoof/Tribute of George Romero Living Dead Movies)

There are 452 files for a total of 12,702,027 bytes.
There are 2 directories.