COMPUTERS These are files dealing with the more mundane aspects of computers and their operation; files from both companies documenting their products, and the people who use those products spreading the word about their use. More of a reference, than anything else.

Description of the Textfile
EDDYHAWKThe EddyHawk Information List (EHIL) Collection
386.txt 2256
Nemesisera's Guide to the Intel 80386
3d_cam.txt 5457
3D Cameras Version 1.0 by Shadow Bandit of Diabolic Force (July 3rd, 1997)
3dbasics.txt 6905
Basic Introduction to 3D Programming, by Synergist
5ormore.txt 5073
How to Crack "5 or More" by Manson69 (July 8th, 1997)
aescul7.txt 27418
Creating a Ultraedit 5.00 Serial Number Generator by Aesculapius
all_newsletters.txt 37673
The Max Warez Site Newsletter (June 7, 1996)
alt1.lst 2611
Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies (Introduction) (August 9, 1996)
alt2.lst 182032
Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies (August 9, 1996)
alt3.lst 25183
Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies (August 9, 1996)
alt4.lst 63868
Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies (August 9, 1996)
alt5.lst 15661
Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies (August 9, 1996)
anarchyop.txt 4773
Having Undesirable Content on Free Webspace Providers 2823
Some ANSI codes to put in message files
arrov2.txt 29083
Destroying Arrive Select Version 1.2 in the Manner that Atti2d Would
asmodeus.txt 15142
DOCUMENTATION: Asmodeus, a Sniffer, by Greg Hogland (1997)
asmttrl.txt 100952
An Assembler Tutorial by Hugo Perez (June 12th, 1995)
ataris.txt 12237
How to Connect to the 5 Online Atari BBSes: A Primer, by Greg Goodwin (January 12, 2005)
attack.txt 42820
The Feasibility of Breaking PGP: The PGP Attack FAQ by infiNity Version 2.0 (February, 1996)
austel.txt 2090
Form Letter to Protest Section 4.2.2 of the Basic Carriage Service tariff filed on July 1, 1995.
avd_tv.txt 1969
Nemesisera's GUide to Avoid Trojans and Viruses (2001)
axm_tut2.txt 16193
The AxMan Cracking Tutorial: A Key Generator, by Vizion
bburn1.txt 24307
Introducing into the World of Cracking: A Beginner's Tutorial by Byteburn
bburn2.txt 9269
How to Crack Blood 2 CD Protection by ByteBurn
beeps.txt 4404
A Collection of BIOS POST Tone Error Codes for different BIOSes, by Anthony Olszewski (1996)
biostype.txt 38020
BIOS Types, CHS Translation, LBA and Other Good Stuff Version 4 by Hale Landis (March 2, 1995)
bit.lst 14309
Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies (BitNet) (July 15, 1995)
byteca~1.txt 3904
DOCS: Byte Catcher 1.01d: A Serial Number Tracker
c4n-asm_for_.txt 6216
Assembly for Crackers Version 1.0
c4n-axmantut.txt 3854
Assemble for Crackers: AxMan v2.11 (September 14, 1997)
c4n-crackuniv.txt 7313
Assembly for Crackers: How to Crack Universe v1.5b, by Plushmm
c4n-digiday.txt 2748
How to Crack DigiDay Clock, by Vizion (September, 1997)
c4n-dropit.txt 3368
Cracking DropIt v1.0 by Yoshi (August 17, 1997)
c64news.txt 1196
The Commodore C64 Scene News by Macx (February 4, 1997)
c64news1996.txt 6316
The Commodore C64 Scene News by Macx (September 27, 1996)
c64newsjan97.txt 1485
The Commodore C64 Scene News by Macx (January 1, 1996)
c64newsmar97.txt 2524
The Commodore C64 Scene News by Macx (March 6, 1997)
cbd1.txt 10189
The CBD Tutorial #1: CBD Vs. Ultisoft (1997)
cbd2.txt 9854
The CBD Tutorial #2: Rummy 500
cbd3.txt 16834
aCBD Tutorial #3: Function Disabled Protections Defeated (July 28, 1997)
cbd4.txt 9631
CBD Tutorial #4: Alternative to Serial # Locating
cbd5.txt 6019
CBD Tutorial #5: A General Cracking Tutorial
cdwizzard.txt 12219
A Tutorial Crack: CD Wizzard, by Niabi (July 8th, 1997)
cel_assebmler.txt 4661
How to Crack Cel Assembler 1.2
cifs.txt 68805
CIFS: Common Insecurities Fail Scrutiny by *Hobbit* of Avian Research (January 1997)
cissp.txt 289767
List of CISSP Recipients (2005)
cjack.faq 4832
DOCUMENTATION: The Cracker Jack FAQ Version 1.4 (1993)
code.crunch 17538
SOFTDOCS: Code Cruncher v1.0, by Castellanm (April 22, 1998)
cpmproref.txt 111912
The Apple II CPM/80 Version 2.2 Reference Guide from Paul Schlyter (November 15, 2000)
crackz.txt 79796
The Newbie's Guide to Cracking Part I, by CrackZ
crark.trd 15931
DOCUMENTATION: The First Again RAR Cracker cRARk Version 2.0 by P. Semjanov (1997)
dhcp-faq.txt 44440
The DHCP FAQ by John Wobus (March 28, 1996)
dlms.txt 22032
DOCUMENTATION: DLMS 2.4 by Michel Forget (1995)
dn3d_2.txt 16330
An Introduction to 3D Graphics Volume #2 by Kiwidog
doomit.txt 15612
DOCUMENTATION: Doom-It Setup Program Version 5.2
dumpexe.txt 32763
DOCUMENTATION: EXE-Dumper Version 2.1
effect-1.txt 8297
Outlaw Triad Demo-Series: Glenzing
epd21095.txt 24714
DOCUMENTATION: Excel Progs Distribution Information by Andrew Malek (1995)
eudpass.txt 3486
DOCUMENTATION: EudPass: Eudora Pro/Lite Password Decoder by Andrew Prihodko
exact-in.txt 34374
An Introduction to Windows 95 Cracking
exact-introcrack.txt 30898
An Introduction to Windows 95 Cracking
execswap.txt 18104
More Memory for DOS Executables, by Kim Kokkonen
exepack1eng.txt 8191
A Tutorial: Exepackers: How to Defeat 'Em by Gustaw Kit (November 16, 1998)
extra_instructions.txt 19605
Extra Instructions Of The 65XX Series CPU by Adam Vardy (September 27, 1996)
facesort.txt 7519
Outlaw Triad Demo-Series: Face Sorting
fakecd.txt 6310
DOCUMENTATION: FakeCD Version 1.0 by Ingo Warnke
faq.txt 3442
DOCUMENTATION: The Psychedelic Screen Saver Collection - Version 2.0 by Mike Irvine (1996)
filefmts.txt 7884
Definition of Data Types in the File Format List
flux1.txt 6734
How to Turn a Program Into Its Own Key Generator
flux2.txt 2653
Turning File Shredder v2.2 into its Own Key Generator, by Flux (1998)
font-faq.txt 426726
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Fonts by Normal Walsh v2.1.5 (August 14, 1996)
format.txt 2662
Eddyhawk's Info List: Executable Formats (2001)
formulas.txt 8926
Collection of Interesting Formulas, by Judson D. McClendon
fravia-taskman1.txt 31847
How to Disassemble a Windows Program, by Fravia
fravia-taskman2.txt 32254
How to Disassemble a Windows Program by Frazia (Part II)
gamfaq.txt 89544
The Getting Started Guide to Game Development, by Ben Sawyer Version 1.3 (1995)
get-vip.txt 14197
DOCUMENTATION: Get-VIP 1.5 Enhanced Version by The Hacker's Choice
gouraud.txt 10688
Outlaw Triad Demo-Series: More Gourand Shading and Texture
griphtml.txt 23659
Getting a Grip on HTML Version 3.0 by The West Virginia Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, by Dave Whipp (February, 1997)
groups1.lst 56396
List of Active Newsgroups (December 3, 1996)
groups2.lst 56120
List of Active Newsgroups (December 2, 1996)
groups3.lst 31955
List of Active Newsgroups (December 2, 1996)
gzip-4.1 14716
GZIP File Format Specification by L. Peter Deutsch (February 26, 1995)
hal-treg.txt 7478
A Call for Resurrection (Bring Back the Boards) by Halaster (1998)
handles.txt 35235
The Joy of Handles, Or, Everyting You Always Wanted to Know About Me But Have No Right to Ask, by Mahatma Kane Jeeves
hnpad.txt 92201
Reversing, Functions Addition, Modification of Existing Code, and Cracking... Notpad.exe, by Neural Noise (1999)
iconed 21686
SOFTDOCS: IconEd 1.3 by Paul Elseth, November 23, 1998
irc-howto 6605
How to Look Cool on IRC, Idle for Long Periods of Time and Be Hip in General v0.1 by Wyzewun (April 2, 1999)
jack14.txt 9855
DOCUMENTATION: Cracker Jack: THE UNIX Password Cracker (June, 1993)
john.dox 3834
DOCUMENTATION: John the Ropper: THE Replacement for Cracker Jack
john.txt 40346
DOCUMENTATION: John the Ropper Version 1.3
keygentut.txt 42417
Construction of Key Generators: A Step by Step Tutorial by Quantico
lconsultants.txt 519480
The Linux Consultants Guide by Joshua Drake Version 7.8.8 (2001) 13825
How to Hook an Apple IIgs Up to a Linux Machine Via a Dedicated Serial Line (Or: Linux is Enslaved to my GS) by Devin Reade (June 25, 1998)
linux.txt 2439
How to Set Up/Install Linux Slackware Step by Step by MadDog
linuxscratch.txt 411253
Linux From Scratch by Gerard Beekmans (2001)
llaptop.txt 128114
The Linux Laptop-HOWTO by Werner Heuser v1.3 (March, 1999)
lumberjackdocs.txt 5751
DOCUMENTATION: Lumberjack: A Program to Check LDAP Data Interchange Format Files for Weak Passwords
macbeth95 2554
Macbeth '95 (November 20, 1995)
macbin2.txt 7434
Format of MacBinaryII
mailingl.lst 38666
Mailing Lists Available in Usenet (November 25, 1996)
mdrive.txt 11302
Description of the MicroDrive IDE Card by Joachim Lange (April 2, 1995)
memorylayout.txt 110140
Memory Layout in Program Execution by Frederick Giasson (October 2001)
mincrack.txt 3512
DOCUMENTATION: MinCrack v1.1 by Ethan Galstad
mirror21.txt 1356
DOCUMENTATION: Mirror Universe 2.1 for Windows 95 By St0rmer (August 30, 1998)
moders.lst 169902
List of Moderators for Usenet (November 25, 1996)
modgrps.lst 58763
Usenet Moderated Newsgroup Archive List Version 1.39 (August 15, 1995)
multi71.z 1276
NFO: Caligula BBS
netscape.txt 1664
Netscape 2.0 Versus Nitrous Oxide. Browser or Recreational Drug? by Laura Lemay (1995)
nmss.txt 6671
DOCUMENTATION: No More Secret Stuff, a Nortion Secret Stuff Password Cracker v1.0 by P. Semjanov
npad_tut.txt 10345
Reverse Engineering Isn't Always Bypassing Protection Schemes by Quantico (August 3, 1998)
odin-ct151.txt 18931
Cracking/Patching SoftArt's Deskey v1.02.010
pastutor.txt 334545
Turbo Pascal for DOS Tutorial by Glenn Grotzinger (1996)
pc.nfo 6907
NFO: The Eliminator Patch Compiler (October 17, 1997)
pidaho.txt 55364
DOCUMENTATION: Private Idaho Version 2.5b4 by Joel McNamara (1995)
popcrack.txt 3342
DOCUMENTATION: PopCrack Version 1.0 by Ethan Galstad (1996)
protecto.txt 3932
The Protector Scene by Kalkin of EViL (2001)
ptd320-tute.txt 23301
A Tutorial for Cracking Password Tracker Deluxe v3.20 by Vizion (November 4, 1997)
ptrtut03.txt 87237
A Tutorial on Pointers and Arrays in C by Ted Jensen, Version 0.3 (July 5, 1997)
pwd_tut1.txt 8112
Voxel's Junior Cracking Tutorial: Your First Crack
pwd_tut2.txt 14739
The My First Patch Tutorial
pwd_tut3.txt 7843
Finding the Best Route by Portal World Domination
pwdump.txt 7274
DOCUMENTATION: Windows NT Password Dump Utility
qapla-wincrack.txt 13452
Qapla's Cracking Tutorial Version 0.1 (February 9, 1997)
razzia-keygen.txt 16701
raZZia's Tutorial on Key Generators (January, 1997)
razzia-vbtutor.txt 23390
Razzia's Tutorial for Visual Basic Cracking
readme.1st 3299
DOCUMENTATION: Wintalk Version 1.26 by Glen Daniels (1996)
readme.txt 7367
DOCUMENTATION: Wintune 95 Release 1.0 (November 30, 1995)
readme32.txt 4952
DOCUMENTATION: Stickies, 32-Bit Version
realdos.txt 16889
The Real DOS Users Guide Version 1.01 by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (April 3rd, 2001)
release.nfo 3120
NFO: ACiD Production: ACiD View 3.0 (September 1, 1996)
remove.txt 9153
Outlaw Triad Demo-Series: Hidden Face Removal
rescue_raiders.txt 2154
SOFTDOCS: Rescue Raiders, by Moose (October 10, 1995)
scene_news.txt 6248
The Commodore C64 Scene News by Macx (September 27, 1996)
serv-u.txt 128352
DOCUMENTATION: FTP Serv-U, an FTP-Server Daemon for WinSock Version 2.0 by Rob Beckers (1996)
sniffer.txt 19288
FAQ; The Sniffer FAQ by Internet Security Systems v1.7
sof1 5169
Software Review of Heretic by Joe De Rouen (1995)
specs.txt 22845
DOCUMENTATION: BLowfish Advanced 7 File Format Specification and Technical Reference by AtmuteSoft (1996)
starcrak.txt 34738
DOCUMENTATION: Star Cracker Version 0.3 by The Sorcerer (August, 1996)
steganos.txt 9784
DOCUMENTATION: Steganos Verison 1.4 by Fabian Hansmann (July 10th, 1996)
swashbuckler.txt 583
SOFTDOCS: Swashbuckler, by The Moose (October 11, 1995)
t!tutor.txt 19565
An ASM Keygen Tutorial, by Teraphy (1997)
thexder.txt 797
SOFTDOCS: Thexder by Moose (October 11, 1995)
timetrials.txt 13696
Cracking Time Trials: A Tutorial by Sixx
trmphack.txt 1182
DOCUMENTATION: Trump-Hack Version 1.1 by Hampton (September 3, 1996)
tron.txt 21911
DOCUMENTATION: TRON Version 1.21 by Smilesoft
ttfp-tute.txt 9294
A Cracking Tutorial by Vizion: TTFPlus 3.3 32-bit Demo
tut-digis.txt 11493
A Newbie Cracking Tutorial Using a Live Approach on Digisignature Version 3.0 bu Bisoux
tutopera.txt 15109
Cracking the Opera Browser by YTC: A Tutorial
uc.nfo 1454
DOCUMENTATION: Ultra Crack v1.2 by Animadei (August 16, 1996)
ucc.txt 11579
DOCUMENTATION: The Ultra Crack Compiler v1.2 by Animadei (August 14, 1996)
ucp.txt 7265
DOCUMENTATION: Ultra Crack DOCUMENTATION: Ultra Crack Pro v1.2 by Animadei (August 16, 1996)
ultima_faq.txt 11675
The C64 and Apple II Ultima FAQ (April 6, 1996)
uns12.txt 5302
DOCUMENTATION: UnSecure Version 1.2 by SniperX (1998)
vbox_410_tutorial.txt 24992
Cracking VBox 4.10 Tutorial by BigMom of Manifest Destiny
vectors.txt 16335
Vactor Tutorial, by Richard Nichols (1996)
vendinfo.diz 9654
The Vendinfo Standard Version 1.03 by VendEdit (February 1, 1996)
vendlist.txt 2826775
The Vendor Phone List and Other Miscellaneous Info by Dan Kyburz (January 5, 1996)
vendors 1598230
Computer Vendors Directory by CVD, Inc. (August-September 1995)
vgakills.txt 7130
The Tricks with VGA Cards that Kill Audio, by Greg Hanssen of Zefiro Acoustics (1998)
vgbd_01.txt 8110
Vagabond Crack Tutorial #001 By Vagabond
vista.txt 39438
A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection, by Peter Gutman (December 23, 2006)
vista_cost.txt 84990
A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection, by Peter Gutmann (January 8, 2007)
vpb.txt 4732
w95_wp03.txt 45423
OS/2 Warp Connect vs Windows 95: Operating System Evaluation by IBM (September 28, 1995)
wastelandfaq.txt 30796
Wasteland FAQ (January 10, 1996)
wfwcd.txt 3419
DOCUMENTATION: Word for Windows Password Cracker by Fauzan Mirza (1995)
windows-nt_elc 2898
The Secret Windows NT Sourcecode (Humor)
winvnfaq.txt 35234
DOCUMENTATION: Frequently Asked Questions about the WinVM NewsReader 1.0 (October 3, 1994)
wolfenstein.txt 1058
SOFTDOCS: Castle Wolfenstein, by Moose (October 3, 1995)
wpjv1n3.txt 126165
The Windows Programmer's Journal Volume 1 Number 3 (March, 1993)
wsping32.txt 2789
DOCUMENTATION: WS-Ping 32 by Ipswitch (1996)
xoanon-dongle.txt 14433
How to Undongle by Xoanon
xoanon-flags.txt 9723
The Flags-Faking Approach to Cracking by Xoanon
xoanon-timelock.txt 8232
The TimeLOCK DLL: A Cracking Approach, by Xoanon

There are 174 files for a total of 10,196,511 bytes.
There is 1 directory.