How to crack Cel Assembler Program : Cel Assembler 1.2, is a graphical way to put together animating GIF files. Protection : Will expire in 30 days unless you enter a Name + Registration code. WWW : Tools : Soft-Ice, WS32DASM and a brain The Cracking Bit Their are 2 ways of cracking this, the first one is the easiest requiring no knowledge in assembly language just a bit of thinking. The second part is following the code to see what happens to the data you entered. First approach Step 1 : The first thing I do before I use Soft-Ice is load the exe into WS32DASM. I do the because I like to look for unusual strings in this case their is one, but in most cases there isn't. Step 2 : After you've loaded celasm.exe into WS32DASM do a string search. Step 3 : After looking at the string data, do you see something weird? Under "KERNEL32" their is a string data called "LamaLo". Step 4 : Hmmmm why is LamaLo in, WHAT is LamaLo? I loaded the program up and looked at the menu to find any reference to do with this word and I couldn't. Step 5 : So I decided to try something I went to Help, Register Now... I entered : Name : GrimL0ck [C4n '97] Reg code : LamaLo Step 6 : It didn't come up with a text box saying Vaild/Invaild Reg code. So I exited and reloaded Step 7 : HEY!!!! Where has the nag screen gone? I tried to reg it again but when I went to help the option of registering had gone!!!!!! Step 8 : Click on About and you should see your Name + LamaLo in the box. It's registered :) Conclusion : I decided to try this again, I had to edit my registry (I don't recommend this unless you know what your doing). I deleted my reg code and re-entered under a different name but with the same reg code. HEY it worked, so you can put ANY name as long as you put LamaLo as the code. This is the first time I've seen a static code when you've suppose to enter a name + code. So it pays to be curious and try things which seem unethical. Second approach Step 1 : Load Cel Assembler, goto Help then Register Now. Step 2 : Enter a name and a reg code I entered GrimL0ck [C4n '97] 12345 DON'T press yet. Step 3 : Press Ctrl D and enter soft-ice Step 4 : We need to set a breakpoint just after the information has just been read. So enter : BPX GetWindowTextA Step 5 : Get out of sofe-ice with either Ctrl-D, F5 or g Step 6 : Click on OK to accept the information you've entered Step 7 : BLAM!!! Your back in soft-ice. The program has just read in your name Step 8 : Press F5 so your reg code can read in, press F11 to Step of of the function you should be at the following code : LEA EAX,[ESP+00000088] <------------- Your Code LEA ECX,[ESP+24] <------------- Your Name PUSH EAX PUSH ECX CALL 004F950 <------------- Get correct code???? Step 9 : Press F10 a couple of times to step through the program until you reach CALL 004F950 Step 10 : We now want to know what's going to happen at address 004F950. Press CTRL up until you reach this code : PUSH ESI MOV ECX,00000007 MOV EDX,[ESP+0C] PUSH EDI MOV EDI,0041D894 <---------------- Hmmm What's been move to 0041D894 ??? MOV ESI,EDX REPZ CMPSD <---------------- Return back to previous code Step 10 : Lets find out whats been moved into 0041D894, by entering D 0041D894, in the Data window you should be able to see the correct code "LamaLo". Step 11 : Press F10, so the CALL 0041D894 function has been executed you should know be at this point : ADD ESP,08 <-------- Erase saved information TEST EAX,EAX <-------- Check function return (The CALL 004F950) JZ 0040FDEF <-------- Jump on zero (EAX = 0 Wrong (EAX = <> 0 Correct) Conclusion : So if their was some sort of calculation for the code it would probably be stored in 041D894 but I'm not sure, anyway that explains 2 different ways of cracking a program. That's wraps that up :) I'd just like to thank people on #Cracking4Newbies who without their help none of this would be possible. If you need help with anything join #Cracking4Newbies on EfNet WWW: GrimL0ck