020 | 020: The Swedish Elite Magazine (1995) | |
2112 | 2112 Magazine(1995) | |
ABUSE | The ABUSER (1995) | |
ADDENDUM | Addendum (2002) | |
AITPL | Air in the Paragraph Line by Jon Konrath (1996) | |
AJ | Amerikan Junkie (1998-Present) | |
ALTERNAT | Alternateen Digest (1995) | |
AMERISUK | Amerisuk Ezine (1999) | |
ANADA | Another Night and Day Alliance (2000) | |
ANGSTMONSTER | Angstmonster (2002) | |
ANTIDOTE | Antidote (1999) | |
APJ | Assembly Programming Journal (1998-1999) | |
APS | Australian Phreak Scene (1995) | |
ASTALAVISTA | Astalavista Group Security Newsletter (2003) | |
B0G | B0G!! (2000) | |
B4B0 | B4B0 Magazine (1998-1999) | |
BAH | BAH Magazine (1995) | |
BANANAJUICE | Banana Juice Fanzine (2002) | |
BARBEDWIRE | Barbed Wire: Vancouver's Free Webzine (Unknown) | |
BFI | Butchered From Inside (Italian) (1998-Present) | |
BHM | Black Hacker Magazine (1997) | |
BLISKIT | Bliskit E-Zine by Hugo Cornvel (2003) | |
BLOST | Beyond Lost (1997) | |
BOMB | Blisters On My Butt (1998) | |
BONDAGE | Bondage (1996-1997) | |
BORK | The Books of the God of B0RK (Unknown) | |
BUCKET | Bucket (1996) | |
CATSLASH | CATSlash Magazine (1996-2000) | |
CC | Chemical Chocolate (1995-1996) | |
CDEJ | Elephants Have Huge Trunks | |
CDS | Children Of a Dying Sun (1996-1997) | |
CH4X | Canadian Hax0r Magazine (1998-1999) | |
CHAOSIL | Chaos IL (1998-1999) | |
CHM | Canadian Hacking Magazine: N.E.R.D. (1996-1997) | |
CNC | Cheese N' Crackers (2002-Present) | |
COC | The Chronicles of Chaos (1995-Present) | |
CON | Capital of Nasty (1996-Present) | |
CONSUMABLE | Consumable Online (1994-2000) | |
COSMIKDEBRIS | Cosmik Debris (1995-1997) | |
CRH | Confidence Remains High (1997-1998) | |
CROHN | The Olde Crohn (1995-1996) | |
CVCRUD | CV.CRUD (2003) | |
CWINTERS | Cranberry Winters (1996-1997) | |
DAU | Desperate Addicts Unite (April 28, 1997) | |
DEFACTO2 | Defacto 2 (1997) | |
DEFAULT | Default Magazine (1999) | |
DESIRESTREET | Desire Street (1995-1996) | |
DEVIATE | Deviate E-zine (1996) | |
DEVILSHAT | Devil Shat (1997-Present) | |
DIGZINE | DIG Magazine (2003) | |
DOGMA | Dogma Magazine (1995) | |
DOJ | Discordant Opposition Journal (1998-1999) | |
DPP | Digital Phreak Pimps (1997-1998) | |
DTO | Doomed to Obscurity (1995-Present) | |
EIDOLONICA | The Eidolonica Papers (1995-1996) | |
EL8 | EL8 Magazine (2002) | |
ENTROPY | Entropy Online (1995-1996) | |
EPOS | EPOS (1996) | |
ETERNITY | The Eternity Articles, Beyond Eternity (1995-1996) | |
EUROGAMER | The Eurogamer Digest (2002) | |
EUROHACKER | Eurohacker Magazine (2005) | |
EVOLUTION | Evolution (1996-1997) | |
F0NGU | F0NGU Magazine Ewheat Juarez (1996-2000) | |
F4ITH | F4ITH Magazine (1999-2000) | |
FEDFLASH | The Federation Flash (1994) | |
FEH | Fuxin' Eleet Haxor (1995) | |
FELNEY | Felney Magazine (2003-Present) | |
FK | F0rbidden Knowledge (1999-Present) | |
FLAM | FLAM (2000-Present) | |
FLC | Funky Llama Club (1996) | |
FLIPPERSMACK | Flippersmack (2001) | |
FLODIS | Flowers of Disturbance/Destruction/Disruption (1999-Present) | |
FOREVERALIVE | Forever Alive Lite (1995-1996) | |
FREEPLAY | Freeplay! (1996-1997) | |
FROSTWARNING | Frost Warning (1997) | |
FTG | Fight This Generation (1995) | |
FTW | Fuck the World (1995) | |
GASP | Going Ape Shit Press (1995) | |
GENUINE | The Genuine Article (1995) | |
GERIPE | Geripe (1996-1997) | |
GRILL | Grill Magazine (1995-1998) | |
GVN | God@rky's Virus Heaven (1996-1997) | |
HALTCATCHFIRE | Halt and Catch Fire Magazine (1997-1998) | |
HATS | The HATS Files (2004-2005) | |
HAX0R | ThE HaX0R bRoThErS NeWzLetTeR (1997-1999) | |
HEARTBEAT | Heartbeat (1996) | |
HIR | Hacker's Information Report (1997-1999) | |
HNS | Help-Net Security (2000-2001) | |
HUMDRUM | Humdrum (1996-1997) | |
HWA | HWA.hax0r.news (1998-1999) | |
IAO | In, Around and Online (1994-1995) | |
ICON | ICON E-zine (1996) | |
IF | Integral Functions (1996) | |
IMPRINT | Imprint: The Newsletter of Digital Typography (1997) | |
INFINITY | The Infinity Concept (1995-1996) | |
INQUISITION | Inquisition (1995-1996) | |
IR | Impulse Reality (2000) | |
IXHS | Information Express of Helter Skelter (1996) | |
JOYWANK | JOYWANK: Joyce Wankable (1995) | |
K1INE | K-1ine Magazine (1999-Present) | |
KEYPULSE | Key Pulse (2001) | |
KILLYOURSELF | Kill Yourself (1995-1996) | |
KLUNK | kLUNK Zine (1996) | |
KRAD | K-Rad Elite-0 Neet-0 Zine of Denver (1995) | |
KUNT | KUNT (1996-1997) | |
KV | Keen Veracity (1998-2005) | |
L0CK | L0ck Magazine (1995) | |
LARISSA | Larissa (1996-1997) | |
LDT | Long Dark Tunnel (2001-Present) | |
LEMON | Lemon Magazine (1995-1996) | |
LEVER | L. Neil Smith's Lever Action Letter (1995) | |
LOLIE | Legion of Lame Information Exchange (1996) | |
LSE | Low Self Esteem (1996-1998) | |
LUKEWARM | Lukewarm (1997-2001) | |
LUNA | Luna Digizine (1996) | |
MACROEZ | The Macroez of Destrukion (Unknown) | |
MEDIAPOLL | The Media Poll (1997) | |
MINDBENDER | Collection of Ware Review Pages by Mindbender | |
MISC | E-Zines Awaiting Strength in Numbers | |
MISFITS | Misfits Incorporated (1995) | |
MLIR | MLiR (1996) | |
MORPHEUS | Morpheus (1999) | |
MUDLARK | Mudlark (1995-1998) | |
MWA | | |
MWP | The MWP Files (1997) | |
NAKEDTRUTH | The Naked Truth Magazine (1995-1996) | |
NAPALM | Napalm (1999-2000) | |
NDC | New Dawn Comics: Crusade (2004) | |
NEMESISERA | Nemisisera's Guides (2001) | |
NEOCOMINTERN | The Neo Comintern (1998-Present) | |
NETNOTIFY | NetNotify: The Newsletter for Network Professionals (1996) | |
NETSECURITY | NETSECURITY.ORG Newsletter (2000-2001) | |
NOFEAR | No Fear (1995) | |
NORWEGIAN | The Norwegian Underground (2000-Present) | |
NOTPHRACK | Notphrack 64 (2005-Present) | |
NOU | The Nations of Ulysses (2003) | |
NPA | National Phreaks Association (1997) | |
NPANXX | NPANXX Magazine (2001-Present) | |
NULL | Null (1996) | |
NWR | NetMonkey Weekend Report | |
OBLIVION | Oblivion (1997-2000) | |
OCPP | Ocean County Phone Punx (1997-1998) | |
OFFHAP | Operation for Free Hackers and Phreakers (Unknown) | |
OUTBREAK | Outbreak E-zine (2002-Present) | |
P0RK | P0RK Zine (1995-1996) | |
P4K | Phreak For Knowledge (2002-Present) | |
PAIN | | |
PDP | Prohibited Data Processing (1996) | |
PEACHY | Peachey Incorporated (1997-1999) | |
PHRUWT | PHRUWT Magazine (1995) | |
PISS | The PISS Files (1997-1999) | |
PN | Practical Nutrition (1995) | |
PONG | PONG Magazine (1995-1996) | |
POT | Persistence of Time (Unknown) | |
PROPHETZINE | Prophet Zine (1996-2000) | |
PSIKOTIK | Psikotik (Unknown) | |
PULSE | PULSE Magazine (1995) | |
QUADCON | Quadcon (1999-2000) | |
R00T | r00t Zine (1995-1996) | |
RAD | Radioactive Aardvark Dung (1996-1997) | |
RELISH | Relish E-Zine (1996) | |
RICE | Rice: The Literary Militia (1996) | |
RPA | The Robot Protection Agency (1996-1997) | |
SBREACH | Security Breach (1998) | |
SIC | Souls in Chaos (1995-1996) | |
SLINKY | Slinky (1996) | |
SOE | Sloths over Ethiopia (1996-Present) | |
SOLJO | Syndicate of London (2000-2002) | |
SPACT | Syndicate Power Action (SPACT) Newsletter (2003-2004) | |
SPIRAL | Spiral Chambers Online (1995-1996) | |
STATICLINE | Static Line Demo Magazine (1998-Present) | |
STD | Strictly Text Distribution (1995) | |
STUCKINTRAFFIC | Stuck in Traffic (1995-2001) | |
SWS | Sex With Sheep (Unknown) | |
SYSFAIL | System Failure (1997) | |
TCAHR | TCAHR (2000-Present) | |
TEK | The Elite Krue Magazine (1996) | |
TEOAS | The Eye of a Storm (2000) | |
TFC | Time For a Change (1995) | |
TFP | Telephone Free Planet (1997-1998) | |
TFW | The TFW Games Review (Unknown) | |
TGR | The Games Report (1995-1997) | |
THOUGHT | Thought (1996) | |
THTJ | The Havoc Technical Journal (1996-1998) | |
TIS | The Internet Sucks (1997) | |
TLG | The Lone Gunmen (1995-1996) | |
TOC | The Turtle Overlords of Cambodia (1996) | |
TRAXWEEKLY | TraxWeekly MOD Magazine (1995-1998) | |
TRO | The Ruthless Organization (1995) | |
TURD | The Undead Rise, Damnit (2002) | |
UHA | United Hacker Association (1998) | |
UNF | Utter Newbie Faggots (1999) | |
UP | Underground Periodical (1999) | |
VIPER | The Lone Gunmen (1995) | |
WAREZREPORT | The Ware Report (1996) | |
WARNING | Warning (2001-Present) | |
WHY | Why Magazine (1995) | |
WRITERSWEB | Writers' Web: An Online Periodical to Promote the Spread of Quality Literature (Unknown) | |
WTF | WTF Magazine (1997) | |
WWN | The Week in Warez News (1995) | |
XINE | XINE, the Official iKx Zine (Unknown) | |
Y0LK | Y0LK Zine (1995-1999) | |
YFI | Yeah Fuck It (1995) | |
YJ | The Yellow Journal (1996) | |
YLYC | Your Life, Your Choice (1997-2001) | |
ZINE | The Zine (2004) | |
e-zine-list 486274
| John Labovitz's E-Zine List (October 9, 1995)
| e-zine-list.v50 247706
| John Labovitz's E-Zine Line by John Labovitz (March 15, 1995)
| publish.txt 24779
| Publishing an E-Zine on the Net: Or E-Zine FAQ If You Like, by Alex Swain Version .50 (March, 1995)
| | | |