E-ZINES By the advent of the Web, the concept of the "Newsletter" or "Magazine" online had been replaced with the "E-zine", basically a collection of stories or files distributed on a semi-regular basis, usually with numbering or dates to keep them straight.

Description of the Textfile
020020: The Swedish Elite Magazine (1995)
21122112 Magazine(1995)
ADDENDUMAddendum (2002)
AITPLAir in the Paragraph Line by Jon Konrath (1996)
AJAmerikan Junkie (1998-Present)
ALTERNATAlternateen Digest (1995)
AMERISUKAmerisuk Ezine (1999)
ANADAAnother Night and Day Alliance (2000)
ANGSTMONSTERAngstmonster (2002)
ANTIDOTEAntidote (1999)
APJAssembly Programming Journal (1998-1999)
APSAustralian Phreak Scene (1995)
ASTALAVISTAAstalavista Group Security Newsletter (2003)
B0GB0G!! (2000)
B4B0B4B0 Magazine (1998-1999)
BAHBAH Magazine (1995)
BANANAJUICEBanana Juice Fanzine (2002)
BARBEDWIREBarbed Wire: Vancouver's Free Webzine (Unknown)
BFIButchered From Inside (Italian) (1998-Present)
BHMBlack Hacker Magazine (1997)
BLISKITBliskit E-Zine by Hugo Cornvel (2003)
BLOSTBeyond Lost (1997)
BOMBBlisters On My Butt (1998)
BONDAGEBondage (1996-1997)
BORKThe Books of the God of B0RK (Unknown)
BUCKETBucket (1996)
CATSLASHCATSlash Magazine (1996-2000)
CCChemical Chocolate (1995-1996)
CDEJElephants Have Huge Trunks
CDSChildren Of a Dying Sun (1996-1997)
CH4XCanadian Hax0r Magazine (1998-1999)
CHAOSILChaos IL (1998-1999)
CHMCanadian Hacking Magazine: N.E.R.D. (1996-1997)
CNCCheese N' Crackers (2002-Present)
COCThe Chronicles of Chaos (1995-Present)
CONCapital of Nasty (1996-Present)
CONSUMABLEConsumable Online (1994-2000)
COSMIKDEBRISCosmik Debris (1995-1997)
CRHConfidence Remains High (1997-1998)
CROHNThe Olde Crohn (1995-1996)
CWINTERSCranberry Winters (1996-1997)
DAUDesperate Addicts Unite (April 28, 1997)
DEFACTO2Defacto 2 (1997)
DEFAULTDefault Magazine (1999)
DESIRESTREETDesire Street (1995-1996)
DEVIATEDeviate E-zine (1996)
DEVILSHATDevil Shat (1997-Present)
DIGZINEDIG Magazine (2003)
DOGMADogma Magazine (1995)
DOJDiscordant Opposition Journal (1998-1999)
DPPDigital Phreak Pimps (1997-1998)
DTODoomed to Obscurity (1995-Present)
EIDOLONICAThe Eidolonica Papers (1995-1996)
EL8EL8 Magazine (2002)
ENTROPYEntropy Online (1995-1996)
ETERNITYThe Eternity Articles, Beyond Eternity (1995-1996)
EUROGAMERThe Eurogamer Digest (2002)
EUROHACKEREurohacker Magazine (2005)
EVOLUTIONEvolution (1996-1997)
F0NGUF0NGU Magazine Ewheat Juarez (1996-2000)
F4ITHF4ITH Magazine (1999-2000)
FEDFLASHThe Federation Flash (1994)
FEHFuxin' Eleet Haxor (1995)
FELNEYFelney Magazine (2003-Present)
FKF0rbidden Knowledge (1999-Present)
FLAMFLAM (2000-Present)
FLCFunky Llama Club (1996)
FLIPPERSMACKFlippersmack (2001)
FLODISFlowers of Disturbance/Destruction/Disruption (1999-Present)
FOREVERALIVEForever Alive Lite (1995-1996)
FREEPLAYFreeplay! (1996-1997)
FROSTWARNINGFrost Warning (1997)
FTGFight This Generation (1995)
FTWFuck the World (1995)
GASPGoing Ape Shit Press (1995)
GENUINEThe Genuine Article (1995)
GERIPEGeripe (1996-1997)
GRILLGrill Magazine (1995-1998)
GVNGod@rky's Virus Heaven (1996-1997)
HALTCATCHFIREHalt and Catch Fire Magazine (1997-1998)
HATSThe HATS Files (2004-2005)
HAX0RThE HaX0R bRoThErS NeWzLetTeR (1997-1999)
HEARTBEATHeartbeat (1996)
HIRHacker's Information Report (1997-1999)
HNSHelp-Net Security (2000-2001)
HUMDRUMHumdrum (1996-1997)
HWAHWA.hax0r.news (1998-1999)
IAOIn, Around and Online (1994-1995)
ICONICON E-zine (1996)
IFIntegral Functions (1996)
IMPRINTImprint: The Newsletter of Digital Typography (1997)
INFINITYThe Infinity Concept (1995-1996)
INQUISITIONInquisition (1995-1996)
IRImpulse Reality (2000)
IXHS Information Express of Helter Skelter (1996)
JOYWANKJOYWANK: Joyce Wankable (1995)
K1INEK-1ine Magazine (1999-Present)
KEYPULSEKey Pulse (2001)
KILLYOURSELFKill Yourself (1995-1996)
KLUNKkLUNK Zine (1996)
KRADK-Rad Elite-0 Neet-0 Zine of Denver (1995)
KUNTKUNT (1996-1997)
KVKeen Veracity (1998-2005)
L0CKL0ck Magazine (1995)
LARISSALarissa (1996-1997)
LDTLong Dark Tunnel (2001-Present)
LEMONLemon Magazine (1995-1996)
LEVERL. Neil Smith's Lever Action Letter (1995)
LOLIELegion of Lame Information Exchange (1996)
LSELow Self Esteem (1996-1998)
LUKEWARMLukewarm (1997-2001)
LUNALuna Digizine (1996)
MACROEZThe Macroez of Destrukion (Unknown)
MEDIAPOLLThe Media Poll (1997)
MINDBENDERCollection of Ware Review Pages by Mindbender
MISCE-Zines Awaiting Strength in Numbers
MISFITSMisfits Incorporated (1995)
MLIRMLiR (1996)
MORPHEUSMorpheus (1999)
MUDLARKMudlark (1995-1998)
MWPThe MWP Files (1997)
NAKEDTRUTHThe Naked Truth Magazine (1995-1996)
NAPALMNapalm (1999-2000)
NDCNew Dawn Comics: Crusade (2004)
NEMESISERANemisisera's Guides (2001)
NEOCOMINTERNThe Neo Comintern (1998-Present)
NETNOTIFYNetNotify: The Newsletter for Network Professionals (1996)
NOFEARNo Fear (1995)
NORWEGIANThe Norwegian Underground (2000-Present)
NOTPHRACKNotphrack 64 (2005-Present)
NOUThe Nations of Ulysses (2003)
NPANational Phreaks Association (1997)
NPANXXNPANXX Magazine (2001-Present)
NULLNull (1996)
NWRNetMonkey Weekend Report
OBLIVIONOblivion (1997-2000)
OCPPOcean County Phone Punx (1997-1998)
OFFHAPOperation for Free Hackers and Phreakers (Unknown)
OUTBREAKOutbreak E-zine (2002-Present)
P0RKP0RK Zine (1995-1996)
P4KPhreak For Knowledge (2002-Present)
PDPProhibited Data Processing (1996)
PEACHYPeachey Incorporated (1997-1999)
PHRUWTPHRUWT Magazine (1995)
PISSThe PISS Files (1997-1999)
PNPractical Nutrition (1995)
PONGPONG Magazine (1995-1996)
POTPersistence of Time (Unknown)
PROPHETZINEProphet Zine (1996-2000)
PSIKOTIKPsikotik (Unknown)
PULSEPULSE Magazine (1995)
QUADCONQuadcon (1999-2000)
R00Tr00t Zine (1995-1996)
RADRadioactive Aardvark Dung (1996-1997)
RELISHRelish E-Zine (1996)
RICERice: The Literary Militia (1996)
RPAThe Robot Protection Agency (1996-1997)
SBREACHSecurity Breach (1998)
SICSouls in Chaos (1995-1996)
SLINKYSlinky (1996)
SOESloths over Ethiopia (1996-Present)
SOLJOSyndicate of London (2000-2002)
SPACTSyndicate Power Action (SPACT) Newsletter (2003-2004)
SPIRALSpiral Chambers Online (1995-1996)
STATICLINEStatic Line Demo Magazine (1998-Present)
STDStrictly Text Distribution (1995)
STUCKINTRAFFICStuck in Traffic (1995-2001)
SWSSex With Sheep (Unknown)
SYSFAILSystem Failure (1997)
TCAHRTCAHR (2000-Present)
TEKThe Elite Krue Magazine (1996)
TEOASThe Eye of a Storm (2000)
TFCTime For a Change (1995)
TFPTelephone Free Planet (1997-1998)
TFWThe TFW Games Review (Unknown)
TGRThe Games Report (1995-1997)
THOUGHTThought (1996)
THTJThe Havoc Technical Journal (1996-1998)
TISThe Internet Sucks (1997)
TLGThe Lone Gunmen (1995-1996)
TOCThe Turtle Overlords of Cambodia (1996)
TRAXWEEKLYTraxWeekly MOD Magazine (1995-1998)
TROThe Ruthless Organization (1995)
TURDThe Undead Rise, Damnit (2002)
UHAUnited Hacker Association (1998)
UNFUtter Newbie Faggots (1999)
UPUnderground Periodical (1999)
VIPERThe Lone Gunmen (1995)
WAREZREPORTThe Ware Report (1996)
WARNINGWarning (2001-Present)
WHYWhy Magazine (1995)
WRITERSWEBWriters' Web: An Online Periodical to Promote the Spread of Quality Literature (Unknown)
WTFWTF Magazine (1997)
WWNThe Week in Warez News (1995)
XINEXINE, the Official iKx Zine (Unknown)
Y0LKY0LK Zine (1995-1999)
YFIYeah Fuck It (1995)
YJThe Yellow Journal (1996)
YLYCYour Life, Your Choice (1997-2001)
ZINEThe Zine (2004)
e-zine-list 486274
John Labovitz's E-Zine List (October 9, 1995)
e-zine-list.v50 247706
John Labovitz's E-Zine Line by John Labovitz (March 15, 1995)
publish.txt 24779
Publishing an E-Zine on the Net: Or E-Zine FAQ If You Like, by Alex Swain Version .50 (March, 1995)

There are 3 files for a total of 758,759 bytes.
There are 210 directories.