COMPUTERS Once the province of people associated with learning more about computers, the term "hacking" has been pretty much decimated as any sort of helpful label. If a person is "hacking", they could be working with computer hardware, breaking into some insecure web site, or creating an absolutely fantastic piece of software. The meaning is left up in the air, and in the case of this directory, simply means any files written by people that try and bring clarity or insight into technology.

The term is now completely politicized, and not recommended as a job description or project goal. However, it just can't shake the romantic mythos behind it, so we can expect a lot of "hacking" to keep happening, as long as computers are around.

Description of the Textfile
12payphone.txt 47301
The Amazing Key Pulse Book of Numbers
1800297.txt 5412
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-297-xxxx from Key Pulse Magazine (July 31st, 2000)
1800326.txt 4401
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-326-xxxx by Cuebiz Trinity Three (June 12, 2000)
180045600xxscan.txt 3839
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-456-00XX by Magma (August 30, 2000)
1800528.txt 3955
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-552-xxxx by Jamie Faith (July 20, 2000)
180057699xxscan.txt 11699
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-576-99XX by Magma (July 6, 2000)
180065599xxscan.txt 4322
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-895-00XX by Magma (August 7, 2000)
180074900xxscan.txt 3779
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-749-00XX by Magma (August 30, 2000)
1800800.txt 4759
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-800-XXXX by Kandy Acid (July 20, 2000)
180089500xxscan.txt 7326
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-895-00XX by Magma (July 19, 2000)
3rdparty.txt 1572
Third Party Billing by Jackass of 31337 Phreaking
400.txt 719
1-400 Phone Numbers by Captain B of 31337 Phreaking
624anac.txt 1339
TELEPHONE SCAN: Toll Free ANAC Numbers by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
800.txt 5235
The 800 Modem List, by Bruce T. Goldman
80029111xx.txt 1067
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-291-11XX by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
80042093xx.txt 913
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-420-93XX by ic0n
80043956xx.txt 14699
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-439-5(6-0)XX by Miklos (July 28, 2000)
80055511xx.txt 1201
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-555-11XX by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
8005xx0000.txt 5896
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-5XX-0000 by Jennifer Martino (May 25, 2000)
80060000xx.txt 4112
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-600-00XX by Jennifer Martino (June 28, 2000)
80079152xx.txt 1069
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-791-52XX by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
800909xxxx.txt 38795
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-909-00XX (July 23, 1999)
80095900xx.txt 3457
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-959-00XX by Jennifer Martino (2000)
959.txt 4651
959 Numbers, by Decoder
9vbusybox.txt 4078
The 9 Volt Busy Box by Captain B of 31337 Phreaking
advphreak.txt 31221
General Phreaking Skills, by Psycho (August 11, 1999)
ani2.txt 11390
ANI 2 Information by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
answermac_.txt 3221
How to Hack your Enemy's Answering Machine by Infected of 31337 Phreaking
austpac.notes.txt 5868
Some Notes on Austpac by Vorper VII (September 28, 1998)
bb-aust.txt 4991
Raphael Apologies and Teaches You to Blue Box in Australia
beatcid.txt 18325
Beating Caller ID by The Fixer (August 30, 1998)
beige.txt 9029
That Thing Called a Beige Box, by WhiteDevil (1998)
beige440.txt 3760
31337 Phreaking by ic0n and Jackass of 31337 Phreaking
beigebox.txt 1780
Building a Beige Box, by Blakmac
black2.txt 5401
Black Box Plans
blotto_log-tis_lecture_1.txt 25675
The Telco Inside Lecutre #1, Conducted by Cuebiz: To explain in "plain english" basic 5ESS, and SS7 vulnerabilities (April 6, 2002)
bluebox.txt 1886
How to Bluebox in the USA The Cheap Way by Jackass of 31337 Phreaking
box_info.txt 3728
Information on Boxes by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
callcard.txt 29618
Card-Reading Public Stations Requirements for the Bell Communications Network
caller-id.txt 8216
Transcription of Caller ID Data Sheet by Rockwell
callerid.txt 17563
Information on the Caller ID to RS-232 Interface
calleridfaq.txt 14475
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Caller ID (March, 1994)
capt.txt 1024
Telecommunications Related Abbreviations by Captain B of 31337 Phreaking
cell.txt 6938
Cell Phone Cloning by Lysergin of the Canadian Phreakers Association
centrex.txt 2029
An Explanation of Centrex by Downtime
cheesebox.txt 1176
How to Build and Use a Cheesebox by Swordkeeper of 31337 Phreaking
confrence.txt 1369
Satik's Guide to Setting Up a Fone Conference by Satik (1999)
cordlessfun.txt 4192
Cordless Phone Fun by Jackass of 31337 Phreaking
dchannel.txt 4222
ISDN to Austpac Interconnection
dtmf.txt 2518
DTMF by Jackass of 31337 Phreaking
es8009xx9999.txt 8797
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800-9XX-9999 by Emily Beige (September, 2000)
exchscan.txt 1690
Exchange Scanning (99XX)
fc.txt 6896
Frequency Counters, by Black Axe
fieldkit.txt 2143
What You Need in a Field Phreaking Kit by Swordkeeper of 31337 Phreaking
fone.txt 4817
Basic Telephone and Communication Sabotage by Egyption Love and The Phoenix Phorce
fuktel.txt 4110
Telstra, You Suck! Be Telestra
hackerknow.txt 2227
You Know You're a Hacker When... by Node of the Centre (March 25, 2002)
intcodes.txt 10901
Phreaky International Codes Reference Winter 2001 Edition (February 5, 2001)
jungle04.txt 25957
Destructive Jungle Presents: Compuserve, Bob Hoskins, and The Definitive Guide To Fraud
jungle05.txt 8600
Destructive Jungle Presents: Blueboxing Over the China Home Country Direct Service
jungle07.txt 18911
Destructive Jungle Presents: Cybernetik - The Beginners' Guide to Cellular Phreaking for UK Phreaks
jungle08.txt 3370
Destructive Jungle Presents: The Hardcore Will Never Die
jungle09.txt 4640
Destructive Jungle Presents: The Hardcore Will NEver Die Part 2 (1998)
kmart.txt 1101
Hacking Your Local K-Mart's Phone System by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
mcbox.txt 8651
The Society of Doom Presents: The Basic Stamp II Multi-Colored Box (May 1, 1996)
mi5090.txt 10092
MI5 Security Bulletin: Public Telephone Number for the Security Service
mnorsys.txt 11277
The Meridian Norstar Rangle: Advanced Digital Phone Systems from Psyclone/mED
mrpoop.txt 263
Conference Poop by Mr. Poop of 31337 Phreaking
neonrockbox.txt 1354
The Neonrock Box by Swordkeeper of 31337 Phreaking
nokia3390.txt 2823
Free AIM on Nokia 3390 Cell Phones by Node of the Centre (April 16, 2002)
nokiatricks.txt 6211
Free AIM on Nokia 3390 Cell Phones, by Nokie of the Centre (April 16, 2002)
npa.txt 12953
The Damage Inc. Phreaky Field NPA Reference (Winter 2001 Edition) (February 5, 2001)
numbers.txt 1115
TELEPHONE SCAN: 1-800 Various Numbers, by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking (June 26, 2001)
ph08.txt 46227
Methods of Phreaking and Telco Security Measures (June 16, 1988)
phoneinfo.txt 1937
Other Phone Services by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
phonepat.txt 16384
Building and Using Phone Patches by Julian Macassey (October, 1985)
phreak3.txt 21756
The Definitive Guide to Phreaking (Beige Boxing), by Squiler
phreaking.txt 55067
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Phreaking Version 3.2 by Squiler (October 24, 1999)
phreaky.txt 3555
Snap! Crackle! Pop! Bell Krispies! Winter 2001 Edition, by Blackie Lawless
pocsag.txt 7971
An Intro to Paging Networks and POCSAG/FLEX interception, by Black Axe, from Phone Punx Magazine Issue 2
ptech.txt 12042
The Technical Book of Phreaking by Micro World Inc. (February, 1989)
pwrscan1.txt 9341
Power Scanning I: Identifying and Hand Scanning Telco Internal Blocks and Other Dedicated Number Blocks by El Oscuro of 250 (1999)
pwrscan2.txt 13198
Power Scanning II: Power Carrier Scanning by El Oscuro of 250 (1999)
raidbell.txt 12528
How to Raid Your Local Bell Telephone Repair Station by The Box of Black and ZeroPage (November, 1989) 3508
The Raven Box by White Raven and Swordkeeper (2001)
redbox.txt 1011
How to Make a Red Box Cheap by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
rev0lt_1.tis 508951
Revolt Issue #1 (January 1, 2001)
rev0lt_2.tis 478475
Revolt Issue #2 (May 25, 2001)
sartsbb.txt 32269
The Sarts Technical Journal: The SARTS Blueboxing Journal by Cuebiz / Jamie Faith
sat.txt 5082
Satellite Systems: Reception, by Black Axe, from Phone Punx Magazine Issue 2
scandata.txt 35727
Scanner Data Decoder FAQ, by Bill Cheek (1999)
slugging.txt 713
Slugging, by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
sni-lpr.txt 3633
PRICK: Sniper's Guide to Telstra LPR Traces
social-engineering.txt 10840
An Introduction to Social Engineering by Tal0n of NixSec (May 16, 2004)
squiler2.txt 19048
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Phreaking: Second Edition, by Squiler
stepswitch.txt 7495
Transcript of a Conversation with Someone Who Set up a Step Switch, by Avid (November 27, 2003)
switchhook.txt 3883
Switch Hook Dialing by Captain B of 31337 Phreaking
tapphon.txt 7102
How to Listen in on Cordless Telephone Conversations by Beowulf
telecom.txt 67113
An Australian Telecommunications Glossary
telephone.txt 5292
Phreaking Information Exchange Point (PIEP) by The Cynical and Dutch Phreakers
tl-ref.txt 10869
DOCUMENTATION: ToneLoc v0.96 Reference Manual by Minor Threat & Mucho Maas
trunk.txt 9416
An Overview of Trunked Radio Systems, by Black Axe
tty.txt 7419
TTY/TDD Phile by Captain B of 31337 Phreaking
tympcprl.txt 10315
Tymnet PCP Outdials Version 3.0 by Renegade Legion
uk-telephonics2.txt 14295
0Line of the MED Presents a Guide to UK Telephonics Part 2 (1997)
ukblack.txt 1758
Some Phreaking Telephone Circuits, by NUT
vidphone.txt 1419
How to Make a Videophone, by Avid (March 29, 2004)
vmbhack.txt 12293
Hacking Voice Mail Boxes by ic0n of 31337 Phreaking
wp101.txt 47368
A Teacher's Guide for Teaching Wire Phreaking 101 by Rabbit (April, 2003)

There are 109 files for a total of 2,069,410 bytes.