SOFTWARE Besides the commercial software that people buy in stores or download from companies and install on their machines, there has always been an amazing variety of software made by hackers and programmers for others like themselves. The documentation that has accompanied these programs are worth regarding by themselves; they give great insight into the mindset of the authors and of the tools they've released to the world to use.

Description of the Textfile
32bmm.txt 11508
DOCUMENTATION: 32bMM a 32 Bits Memory Manager by LCA of Psychose (1993)
5ormore.txt 10972
How to Crack Using W32DASM: 5 or More Version 2.0, by JosephCo (1997)
Patching 0
a86.txt 17104
Using A86 for Assembly Programing, by Chuck Nelson (1990)
aciddraw.txt 33941
DOCUMENTATION: ACIDDraw Version 1.2 by ACiD Productions (1995)
acidview.nfo 51070
DOCUMENTATION: ACIDView Version 4.14 by Skull LEader and Tasmaniac (April 1, 1996)
addon.txt 10220
DOCUMENTATION: Avalanche v3.0: Addon Imp,ementation Documentation by H-Master (1997)
ae.txt 42367
alanche.txt 45643
DOCUMENTATION: Avalance Version 3.0 by H-Master (1997)
asm0.txt 6773
A Tutorial about Basic Assembler, by Draeden
asm1.txt 4091
A Tutorial about Basic Assembler, by Draeden (Part II)
asm2.txt 7287
A Tutorial about Basic Assembler, by Draeden (Part III)
asm3.txt 16447
A Tutorial about Basic Assembler, by Draeden (Part IV) (April 14, 1993)
asmintro.txt 23344
An Introduction to Assembler, by VLA (March, 1993)
atbash2.txt 15728
DOCUMENTATION: ATBASH, An Efficient File Encryption Program
autopost.txt 14661
DOCUMENTATION: Autopost: Automatic News Posting Verison 1.1 bu Eucalyptus
beggin1.txt 7380
Cracking for the Beginner, by Yoshi (June 5, 1997)
beggin2.txt 4309
Cracking for the Beginner Part II by Yoshi (June 12, 1997)
beggin3.txt 3488
Cracking for the Beginner Last Part, by Yoshi
bong.txt 4164
DOCUMENTATION: Bong v1.0 for Windows (May 23, 1995)
bryddes.txt 3985
DOCUMENTATION: BrydDES Version 1.0 by Svend Olaf Mikkelsen (February 25, 1997)
buster.txt 20542
DOCUMENTATION: Neg Buster Introduction by Erik Famm (1995)
butttrumpet.txt 4039
DOCUMENTATION: Butt Trumpet, a Buttplug-in for BackOrifice by Brian Enigma
c4n-ppv.txt 6582
How to Crack Personal Password Vault v 1.0.1 by drlan (1997)
cabrio.txt 7153
Cracking Tutorial: Cabrio v2.5, by bull1 (1998)
caid-339.txt 4808
DOCUMENTATION: CrackAid v3.39 by Rawhide of The Humble Guys (May, 1993)
caload.txt 1066
DOCUMENTATION: CA-Load v1.00 by Rawhide of The Humble Guys
carrier.txt 6960
DOCUMENTATION: No Carrier, by Ghost Pilot (March 30, 1993)
catch.txt 6193
DOCUMENTATION: Novell Network Password Catcher 2.0 by Mescal
cbd1.txt 10387
A CbD Cracking Tutorial by Ultisoft, Inc.
cbd2.txt 10010
A CbD Cracking Tutorial #2: Rummy 500, by CbD
cbd3.txt 17107
A CbD Tutorial #3: Function Disabled Protections Defeated by CbD (June 28, 1997)
cbd4.txt 9835
CbD's Tutorial #4: An Alternative to Serial # Locating
cbd5.txt 6136
A General Cracking Tutorial by CbD
cbd6.txt 8578
CbD Tutorial #6: Modifying DLL's to Give Real Reg Codes
ce.txt 14666
DOCUMENTATION: Cheat Engine v2.X by Napalm Ultimate Killing Experience
cia.nfo 5608
NFO: TKC's Cracking Tutorial #19
cities 13184
A List of Worldwide Cities and the Time Adjustment
codewar.thc 41016
DOCUMENTATION: The COdewar Virus, by Sirius and Mindmaniac (1995)
compiler.txt 5115
Tutorial: Coronado Enterprises Turbo C (July 1, 1987)
crackhlp.txt 3367
DOCUMENTATION: The Wicked IRC Password Cracker Version 1.1
crckmstr.txt 6987
DOCUMENTATION: Crack Master 2.5 by Guido at Guido Software and Productions (January 27, 1994)
crippled.txt 25446
The Beautiful Creation of the RazziaPad by Razzia (August 19, 1997)
cwsdpmi.txt 7060
DOCUMENTATION: CWSDPMI by Charles W. Sandmann (1995)
damaged.nfo 6838
NFO File: CartDisk by DiskDue of Damaged Cybernetics (December 12, 1996)
dir_tut.txt 15944
Cracking Tutorial: Directory Toolkit Version 2.63, by Quantico (1998)
dlock2.txt 11820
DOCUMENTATION: DLOCK2 Diamond2 Block Cipher Program
dmaud.txt 2100
DOCUMENTATION: DOOM Audio Editor: Version 1.1 (March, 1994)
dmgrap11.txt 2712
DOCUMENTATION: DOOM Graphic Editor Version 1.1 (May, 1994)
doc.txt 4519
Cracking Tutorial: Tickle.exe, by drLAN and mexelite
dsi.nfo 7864
NFO: Lomax's Cracking Tutorial #1 (April 2, 1998)
dumpexe.txt 25707
DOCUMENTATION: Exedumper Verison 1.2 by Obsession (1995)
ed!son.nfo 1086
NFO: Edison Cracking
exepack2eng.tut 6170
Cracking Tutorial: Exepackers: How to Defeat 'EM #2 by Gustaw Kit (November 24, 1998)
exile-c.txt 11036
Cracking Tutorial: Exile I: Escap from the Pit, by Dr.Lan (September 27, 1997)
fed.txt 11592
DOCUMENTATION: F.E.D: The File Encryptor and Decryptor Version 1.1 by Jorge Ferreira (January 14, 1996)
file_id.nfo 12921
NFO: The Win 95 Theme Pack by Reality Check Network (July 7, 1996)
fire-ft4.txt 3334
DOCUMENTATION: Fire-FTP: A Password Scanner for CuteFTP by Marquis (April, 1997)
flagsfak.txt 9723
The Flags Faking Approach in Cracking
flux3.txt 3386
Cracking Tutorial: Flu[X]
fluxtut4.txt 3598
Cracking Tutorial: Flu[X]/PC98 Cracking tutor #4 - Using W32Dasm to its potential
fluxtut5.txt 4701
Cracking Tutorial: Flu[X]'s cracking tutor #5 - A EXTREMELY easy keygen
fluxtut6.txt 2981
Cracking Tutorial: Flu[X]'s cracking tutor #6 - Dealing wit a packed EXE, Getting past Disassembler Protection
fluxtut7.txt 13957
Cracking Tutorial: How to Make a Key Generator
gd.txt 11205
SOFTDOCS: The Hacker's Choice General Dialer v1.0 by Karl Marx (1995)
gem96dem.txt 23354
DOCUMENTATION: Gemulator 96 Demo Version 4.50 (September 3, 1996)
gf.txt 5094
DOCUMENTATION: Girlfriend by General Failure Version 1.35
gpf.nfo 8754
NFO: The Global Piracy Foundation
gs.txt 186821
DOCUMENTATION: Global Security 16 by MacGregor K. Phillips Version 3.4 (July 1995)
guess.bak 5841
DOCUMENTATION: Preliminary Documentation for GUESS (Unix password checker) by Christian Beaumont (November 4th, 1991)
gwshare.txt 52046
DOCUMENTATION: Game Wizard 32 Shareware Version by Ray Hsu and Gerald Ryckman (1995)
hhfaq.txt 6830
DOCUMENTATION: Hackerz Hideout FAQ Version 1.02 by kM of the HackersClub (July 23, 1998)
hideseek.txt 8685
DOCUMENTATION: Hide and Seek Version 1.1
hiewe.600 19155
DOCUMENTATION: Hiew: Hacker's View 6.0 by Eugene Suslikov and M. Korneff (October 19, 1998)
history.txt 30108
DOCUMENTATION: THC-Scan v1.50 by Van Hauser (1997)
howtocrk.txt 216678
A Beginner's Guide to Cracking by R.E.M.
igmunit.txt 14520
infinity.nfo 6271
NFO: Infinity Presents Verison 0.55 (January 15, 1995)
insider.faq 45450
The Insider FAQ: Making Your Programs More Secure Against Viewing and Modifying by Christoph Gabler (October 9, 1998)
intel.txt 114654
Overview of the Intel 8086 Family Architecture and Instruction Set
intruder.dox 8534
DOCUMENTATION: Intruder Version 1.21: Cracker for TP/BP/TC/BCPP/MSC Written Programs by C. U. Creator
isdn.txt 3448
DOCUMENTATION: Problems/Questions regarding the ISDN module for ZOC by Markus Goemmel
it.nfo 6244
NFO: Staff List of Immortal Traders (1996)
itools.txt 18803
DOCUMENTATION: The Internet Tools Suite Version 1.0 By H-Master (1997)
jill.nfo 1453
DOCUMENTATION: Jill, a Password Cracker, by The Scorpion (November 25, 1995)
keyboard.txt 5937
DOCUMENTATION: THC-Scan 1.50 Online Keys (Van Hauser)
keygen.txt 28072
Cracking Tutorial: #cracking4newbies Keygen Tutorial by the #cracking4newbies team
keygen1.txt 16701
Razzia's Tutorial on Key Generators (January, 1997)
keygentut.txt 15355
Cracking Tutorial: Some Easy keygen Tutorials, by Harvester (1998)
kgb.txt 2336
loader.txt 4250
DOCUMENTATION: Crack Loader 1.0 Full ASM Source by The Godlike/Violence
loginh.txt 17821
DOCUMENTATION: Login Hacker v1.00 by The Hacker's Choice
mailsend.txt 13996
DOCUMENTATION: Mailsend, an Add-On for Microsoft Mail and Windows for Workgroups
manual.doc 63029
DOCUMENTATION: WinOCR: The Optical Character Recognition Software (1993)
manual.txt 12363
DOCUMENTATION: S-Tools for Windows (Steganography) Version 1.0 by Andy Brown (1994)
md5sum.txt 6802
DOCUMENTATION: MD5SUM: A Public Domain Program for Checking Values of Files
me97.nfo 13329
NFO: DiskFactory/32 v2.10 by ME (1997)
me_glbtm.txt 7774
Cracking Tutorial: GlobeTime v1.21 by Vizion of mEX/c4N
mexelite.nfo 11565
NFO: Mexelite Cracking Group
mf.txt 22428
DOCUMENTATION: Magic Folders Verison 96.09a (September 1996)
mg.txt 9437
DOCUMENTATION: MasterGear: The Portable SEGA Mark3/MasterSystem/GameGear Emulator 1.0 by Marat Fayzullin (June 12, 1996)
model.txt 2520
DOCUMENTATION: Jaw3D Model Viewer by Jawed Karim (1996)
morphine.txt 5634
DOCUMENTATION: Morphine Version 4.0 by UTAH
mte.txt 9732
DOCUMENTATION: The Mutation Engine by Mad Maniac of Crazy Soft (1992)
nev_univ.txt 38930
DOCUMENTATION: Neverlock Version 1.0 by Copyware (1996)
nm!sc-tut.txt 5618
A Beginner's Guide: Numega Smartcheck 5.0
notepad.txt 11900
How to Get Rid of the Nasty Nag You Get In Notepad by Cerberus (December 15, 1998)
passgrab.txt 2030
DOCUMENTATION: Sorcerer Version 1.0 (December 11, 1996)
patcher.txt 28901
DOCUMENTATION: The Patcher Version 6.5 by Michael Caldwell (1995)
pbxhack.txt 25502
DOCUMENTATION: PBX Hack v1.1 by The Hacker's Choice
pc.nfo 10843
NFO: Cracking Tutorial #9 by TkC (September 27, 1998)
pcupc.doc 12263
DOCUMENTATION: Personal Computer Unix Password Cracker, Version 2.01 by Doctor DIssector (December 17th, 1990)
pdfm.txt 14822
DOCUMENTATION: Psychose Data File Maker for Assembly Language Programming (1993)
permut.txt 1570
DOCUMENTATION: Permut, by Kravietz (June, 1995)
petite.txt 8021
DOCUMENTATION: Petite v1.2 by Ian Luck (1998)
player.txt 18717
DOCUMENTATION: Psychose Player v1.0 by LCA of Psychose
pocsag.txt 10475
DOCUMENTATION: The POCSAF Standard by Brett Miller of Intel
popcrack.txt 3342
DOCUMENTATION: PopCrack v1.0, a U of MN Popmail Password Cracker by Ethan Galstad (1996)
porter.txt 12662
DOCUMENTATION: Porter Version 1.0 by H-Master (1997)
primer.txt 42970
An Assembly Language Primer by David Whitman (1983)
procdump.txt 17927
DOCUMENTATION: ProcDump version 1.2 by G-RoM (1998)
q_tut1.txt 27814
Cracking Tutorial: WinIce Cracking tutorial - Cracking Cruehead's CrackMe v2.0 (1998)
qstrip.txt 3908
DOCUMENTATION: Quail Stripper: HTML Code Stripper by QuaiWare and Vincent Trigili (February 14, 1995) 23850
DOCUMENTATION: Wincode Version 2.7.3
readme.txt 4336
DOCUMENTATION: ZOC: Communication through a Modem or ISDN to BBSes
realmem.nfo 4122
DOCUMENTATION: Real Memory System: A 32 Bit Memory Addressing Technique for the Real Mode (1994)
regkey.txt 210915
DOCUMENTATION: RegKey Version 3.10: Registration Key System for Programmers
release.cia 7924
Crackers in Action Release List (November 29, 1998)
release.nfo 8603
The Mexelite Release List (1997)
runtime.txt 3979
DOCUMENTATION: The BackDoor FAQ from Dark Eclipse
sapphire.txt 27496
DOCUMENTATION: The Sapphire II Stream Cipher
saranwrap.txt 3014
DOCUMENTATION: Saran Wrap, an Extra Goodie for Back Orifice by Brian Enigma Version 1.0
script.txt 26546
DOCUMENTATION: Script Documentation for The Hacker's Choice by Van Hauser (1996)
secshare.txt 12478
DOCUMENTATION: Secret Sharer Version 1.0 by Joel McNamar (July 11, 1995)
securom.txt 10806
A Securom Crack Tutorial by Pedro
sfs1.txt 29742
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995)
sfs2.txt 56543
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995) (Part II)
sfs3.txt 60884
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995) (Part III)
sfs4.txt 65089
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995) (IV)
sfs5.txt 57061
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995) (Part V)
sfs6.txt 68957
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995) (Part VI)
sfs7.txt 77782
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995) (Part VII)
sfs8.txt 60687
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995) (Part VIII)
sfs9.txt 35458
DOCUMENTATION: Secure Filesystem Version 1.20 by Peter Gutmann (1995) (PArt IX)
shrinker.txt 20194
Cracking Tutorial: Patching a Packed File by R!SC
silkrope.txt 5192
DOCUMENTATIONL Silk Rope: An Extra Goodie for Back Orifice version 1.1 by Brian Enigma
snow.txt 4814
DOCUMENTATION: Snow, a Whitespace Steganography Program
soceng.txt 16688
The Complete Social Engineering FAQ by BernZ (1996)
source.txt 16864
DOCUMENTATION: BlueBEEP Version 1.00 Vinal Release by Onkel Dittmeyer (April 1, 1995)
speakeasy.txt 3379
DOCUMENTATION: Speakeasy: A Buttplug for BackOrifice by Brian Enigma
ss14tute.txt 10445
Cracking Tutorial: SmilerShell/95 v1.4 by Vizion (September, 1997)
starcrak.doc 34738
DOCUMENTATION: Star-Cracker Version 0.3 by The Sorcerer (August, 1996)
steganos.txt 9784
DOCUMENTATION: Steganos v1.4 (July 10, 1996)
sticky.txt 7543
Cracking Tutorial: Sticky Notes V1.5 by mistere
support.bbs 1218
BBS AD: Channel 1 Communications (1996)
supridea.txt 5537
sysop.txt 2541
DOCUMENTATION: BBS Sysop Documentation for 4DOS (April 17, 1996)
tcmd.txt 93213
DOCUMENTATION: Take Command for Windows Version 1.02
tge.txt 127328
DOCUMENTATION: The Graphics Engine Verison 1.30 Documentation (January 5, 1994)
thc-faq.txt 6328
DOCUMENTATION: THC-Scan v1.50 Frequently Asked Questions (1997)
thc-quik.txt 13956
DOCUMENTATION: THC-Quik Reference and Quick Manual by The Analyst (April 10, 1996)
thc-scan.txt 66686
DOCUMENTATION: THC-Scan v1.50 Public by Van Hauser of The Hacker's Choice (1997)
thebat.txt 10035
Cracking Tutorial: The Bat! v1.00 by TheBrabo
timelock.txt 8412
Information on How to Crack TimeLOCK DLL's
toneloc.txt 7223
DOCUMENTATION: Differences Between Toneloc and THC-Scan
trackit.txt 10643
DOCUMENTATION: Trackit 2.0 Final Release
trap.txt 10500
DOCUMENTATION: Trap Freeware 1.21 by Christoph Gabler (November 18, 1998)
trmpcrak.txt 3486
DOCUMENTATION: TrmpCrak v1.0, a Trumpet Winsock Password Cracker by Ethan Galstad (1996)
ucf-2000.nfo 10563
NFO: The United Cracking Force by dez (1996)
ucf2000.nfo 14976
NFO: United Cracking Force: ProcDump32 V1.2.0 (1998)
ucf96.nfo 8640
NFO: ED!SON's Windows Cracking Tutorial v1.oo by Edison 1996 (1996)
ucheat.txt 2979
DOCUMENTATION: Unlimited Cheats User's Manual by African 911 of Straight Line Connection
ucon141.txt 18453
DOCUMENTATION: uCON v1.41 by Chicken and CHP
undong.txt 14433
How to Undongle by +Xoanon
univesa.txt 4967
DOCUMENTATION: The Universal Vesa TSR by Kendall Bennett (1993)
unp.txt 31148
DOCUMENTATION: UNP Version 4.10 by Ban Castricum (January 26, 1995)
unpack.txt 7375
An Unpacking Method Exhaustive List by G-RoM of Beta Team
uudecode.txt 17005
DOCUMENTATION: UUencode/Uudecode Verison 5.22
ux.txt 6099
DOCUMENTATION: UX 0.55 Executable File Expander by Misha (January 15, 1995)
vbcrack.txt 23390
Razzia's Tutorial for Visual Basic Cracking
vc.txt 12793
DOCUMENTATION: The Visual Calculator - Version 1.10
vip.nf0 1687
DOCUMENTATION: Violent In Public NFO File
vrack.txt 4358
DOCUMENTATION: Vrack Version 1.0 by Sir Joust
wdcrak.txt 7539
DOCUMENTATION: WDCrack, by Crak Software (April 24, 1995) Version 1.5
webcrack.txt 22104
DOCUMENTATION: Web Cracker Version 2.0 Final by DiTTO (December 2, 1998)
wfwcd.txt 3419
DOCUMENTATION: Word for Windows Password Cracker (R8) by Fauzan Mirza, 1995
win95crk.txt 30381
A Windows 1995 Cracking Tutorial
wincrack.txt 13959
Qapla's Cracking Tutorial Verison -.2 Release (April 21, 1997)
winject.txt 10459
DOCUMENTATION: Winject Version 0.93 by Moofz
workshop.bbs 1468
BBS AD: The Clipper Workshop BBS
xgm.txt 17687
DOCUMENTATION: X-GM v1.98 by Roland Jakalys Rakshalon
xhu1.txt 17109
DOCUMENTATION: Xenocide's Hacking Utilities Pack #1

There are 192 files for a total of 3,755,570 bytes.