jaw3d Model Viewer Copyright (c) 1996 Nullsoft by Jawed Karim Table of Contents: [Model File Format] [Special Thanks] [Updates & Model Files] Model File Format: ================== Model files are simple text files containing the coordinates and color of each polygon. Model files must have the extension .j3d to be accepted by the jaw3d Model Viewer. The general format is: For example: 4 1 -10 10 0 10 10 0 10 -10 0 -10 -10 0 This will draw a blue rectangle. A rectangle has four vertices, therefore the 4. The color code for blue is 1. You must use the following coordinate system: +Y | / | / -------|------- +X / | / | +Z The larger you make the polygons the greater is the chance that they will overlap incorrectly. Therefore, if you see any overlapping problems, simply divide your polygons up into smaller ones and the problems should disappear. Especially polygons that are supposed to be covered up by others should be divided up like this. Note: empty lines in model files will create problems. For seperation or comments, use the # character. Do NOT place comments between coordinate lines, only between individual polygon sections. Here is a partial list of color codes. There are 256 different colors you can use. This list contains only the few colors of which I know the names! BLACK 0 DARKGRAY 8 BLUE 1 LIGHTBLUE 9 GREEN 2 LIGHTGREEN 10 CYAN 3 LIGHTCYAN 11 RED 4 LIGHTRED 12 MAGENTA 5 LIGHTMAGENTA 13 BROWN 6 YELLOW 14 LIGHTGRAY 7 WHITE 15 Special Thanks: =============== Special Thanks go to: Tom Forsythe For spending the time to create the complex Quake model file and for many useful suggestions and ideas that have been incorporated into jaw3d. Shawn Hargreaves For the excellent djgpp graphics library Allegro. Updates & Model Files: ====================== You will always find the most recent version of jaw3d at: http://umn.edu/~kari0022 Have you created a neat model file? Let me know about it: kari0022@gold.tc.umn.edu If I like it I'll add it to the next release of jaw3d.